Callie-Chapter 15

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After I got them past the initial shock off me being in the state I'm in I in all honestly thought I was going to have to fight them but Artemis walked up to me and put her arm on my shoulder she looked disappointed but she also looked sad I turned to her very confused

"What did I do?"

That's all I wanted to know. What was real what wasn't. Finally Zeus and Poseidon and Hades were talking together finally Zeus got up and walked towards me then poked my forehead then frowned and many memories came back but at the same time I felt Odin's grip on me get tighter but he sighed

"I can't bring them all back you have to do that"

I raised a brow then I could here Odin in my head screaming finally Zeus rolled his eyes "you need to see what he really is"

Then he poked my forehead and memories flashed past me off months off training turning into horror. I backed up holding my head

"What did you do?"

He walked back to his chair "you're welcome dearest"

Then I heard Odin come when called then everything clicked and I remember and holy crap I'm one ball of confusion I looked at everyone then teleported to Odin he grinned "you're back"

I nodded slowly and kneeled "Y-Yes"

I knew what I was supposed to do but I also knew I don't normally kneel to anyone but the gods of Olympus. I stood and Odin smiled "so is it a deal?"

I hesitated the months off more torture didn't seem to appealing but I looked at him reverting into my robotness "I must think on it"

He nodded and I went back to Spencer my mind was racing I needed to talk to someone...I should go to Alex see if he'll actually kill me...I expect him to all these emotions were coming and I didn't like it. Part of me wanted to go train with Odin but the other was wanting to go talk to Andy- I mean Alex. I was bashing my head on the table and i guess it woke Spencer up he looked at me confused "what's wrong?"

I shrugged "Everything"

I could feel the rage rolling off off him what did I do? I wanted to cry but instead rage with boiling up inside me I was mad at myself I'm a horrible person maybe I should go talk to Alex it's probably for the better I told him I'd be right back then I walked out side and looked at the on going traffic I wanted to curl up in a ball and mentally explode but instead my instincts took over and I knew exactly what would happen next I killed the first person I saw which in my defense he was robbing some lady but I knew putting my hand through their chest was not quite the right way to respond I had blood all over me like on my arms short pants then I lost it I had the look off horror I desperately wanted to hug Spencer let him tell me how stupid I am so I ran to him and he didn't even blink that's when I knew I'm screwed I teleported in front off my home I knew I should go to Odin immidatly but I found myself here. It was barely morning I knew everyone was asleep I could hear their heartbeats I just stood out side in the cold staring my brain was fixing itsself that much I knew but I could deal right now I had just killed someone for no reason what so ever I looked down tears running down my cheeks which hasn't happened in forever it make me more sad I knew I couldn't stay but I needed to speak to someone that I semi trusted I whispered "Help me"

I sounded so pitiful ugh. I knew who that message which to because within seconds I could here Alex running down the stairs and out the front door I don't know what he expected but I had a part off a rib cage in my hand and was covered on blood I looked up at him "kill me now"

I meant to say that in like the sternest voice but instead it was cracked I knew I wouldn't stay here I had a promise to keep with Odin. I knew I wouldn't tell him anything about father or the deal i almost made and the one I still plan on going through with. I didn't dare look him in the eyes look what I've become I'm no longer strong and powerful now I'm weak and helpless and utterly confused he helped me to my feet and looked me dead in the eye "never, now where is your father"

I shook my head and dropped the bone "he won't listen to reason he won't help Spencer he lied it's lies"

He smiled "you're back"

I shake my head "I have to do it alone"

He looked at me concerned again "wait, Callie what?"

I nodded "I have to fix it, even if I fall"

He raises a brow "fall?

I look at him " don't come look for me. Please what happens to me is fine you need to go get Spencer...tell him I'm sorry...tell them I'm all sorry"

Then I teleported to Mount Olympus and turned to Zeus and walked to him "I need to borrow it Zeus"

He shook his head " that to much power"

I looked at him "I need to fix everything"

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