Callie-Chapter 13

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My eyes were wide with shock mixed with some fear which was new to me Spencer looked scary right now this is not what I wanted he was shaking with rage I had to teleport us to somewhere else we were in a hotel room in Maine he turned to me and scowled "what did you do?!"

I then went into robot mode and looked at him "you hurt Andy'

He scowled "He isn't Andy he is barely Aries!"

I stepped back he never used to scream at me I looked out the window then back to him "why don't we get some sleep and then I'll take you to Alex"

He seemed to like that idea, even though it was a complete lie. Eventually he went to bed and I stood there pacing having no clue what to do I teleported to Alex immediately he was halfway home in a motel I snapped and the lights clicked on and within seconds Alex was to his feet and drew his sword the second he looked at me he put the sword back I think the fear and sadness was all over my face because he looked concerned but then I saw his anger

"What did you do to Spencer?"

I looked down "I didn't, father said it would be best"

He scowled "well you're "father" is a lying piece of crap, whatever he did you need to fix it"

I shake my head "I can't, he's too powerful"

He ran his fingers through his hair "let me help you"

Then it clicked I looked to him "I understand now, I will ask father"

He shook his head "Callie no you realize that's bad right?"

I frowned "father isn't bad"

He raised a brow "is he? Callie the real you is in their somewhere"

I step back looking at him then I sighed "that's what I used to think about you that you would change, but no it's fine"

I purposely trying to get him to hate me making what I have to do next easier but he didn't sway "'re not going to do this alone that would be stupid"

I looked up at him my desion made "if I see you again...kill me"

Then I teleported back to Spencer I sighed then I walked out to the porch and teleported in front of Odin I kneeled immidatly he smirked "please, stand"

I looked at him "do what you will to me, put Spencer back to normal"

Then I had a flash back I remembered being sick really sick then Spencer was sick I remember this happening and I agreed to go with Odin but that's not right because they took me didn't they? I looked up at him frowning "what did I do?"

He raised a brow "what did you see?" I looked up at him then teleported right in front off Zeus.

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