Callie-Chapter 17

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Finally Zeus pulled out his lighting bolt it's his very first one he doesn't use it often but he keeps it with him always gods stood in defiance they definitely didn't want me to touch it Artemis had to be escorted out she was freaking out which made everything ten times harder but I had to I really had to there was no way I was going to be normal again I'll always have a robotic self to me I'll always have 106 years of torture and training under my belt I can't erase the life I took, but I can try to make up for it, it's the least I can do they will always love me I know that they have too but they will probably never forgive me. I wouldn't I couldn't I used to be Callie but now I'm someone else not Eva not Callie but a broken form off them both I'm sure Odin will disarove and to be honest that makes me sad in some freak way I will always see him as Father. I turned to Zeus and he looked really sad but he kneels down and patted my back "You're a brave God Callie "

I gave a smile then I saw Hermes and Hestia among other gods just looking at me some where asking me to stop the others were giving me a approving look. I knew I had to do this and I wasn't scared I really wasn't I think that's probably the robot side of me not caring. But we walked right to the tip off mount Olympus I took off my bracelet and handed it to Zeus

"Give this to Alex"

He nodded slowly then I swallowed slowly and mumbled in my head voicing it to all the other zodiacs "I'm sorry"

Then Zeus gives me the bolt and an overwhelming power started flowing through me I felt my thoughts mush together and myself start turning into a golden color then I remembered what to do. I flew straght into the air to everyone they will all see a very bright light it will shine all over the world I hoped they would see it heck I knew they would see it. With every ounce of strength I had I pointed it to my house and I imagined exactly what I wanted to do fix everyone and then a giant spark went right to them I felt the spark drain every bit off power or energy I had I knew what I was doing I was using my life force and putting my powers dormant and helping everyone I fixed everything the house I stole the memories Spencer everything the second I stopped I no longer could hold myself I started falling no doubt they saw that too I fell right into Zeus arms I was barely awake he took the bolt and pushed back my hair "you did it, brave one"

I barely managed to speak "finish-It-keep-keep your deal tell-no-one"

He looked like I just asked him to jump off Olympus no it wasn't that simple. He shook his head "I'm not sure you understand how much I'd rather not do this"

I nodded "they need my power to-to help kill father"

He just stood their I thought I saw his eyes tear up finally Hades walked to me then picked up a knife "you're life force is draining child"

I wanted to say so but he cut my arm and filled a jar off my blood I seriously think Alex might flip when he sees they drained me so they can use my blood to help kill Father the worst part is it's actully the color off blood the second it was filled he shut it then poked my head "I do hope you survive the fall, you were one off my favorate"

So now you tell me! Zeus picked me back up because I seriously couldn't move then he walks me to the other side of the tip off Olympus I turned to him "Promise tell no one"

Great now I sound like Yoda. He nodded "You have my word"

I smiled "Do it"

He finally held me out "Survive"

Then he dropped me. I was in to much pain to care or think off the pain I'll be in when I hit the ground. When I hit the ground to my surprise I was awake and perfectly fine then I remembered Hades poked me crap. Why! Why would you not let me fall. Ugh! I barely managed to get up my head was spinning I looked around and I was in the middle off the street and a car was 3 inches from my face the girl was gasping "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to hit you! Oh gosh let me get you to a hospital! She praticlly threw me in the car she sighed "what's you're name "

I shrugged "I don't know"

That was true I didn't have a clue who I was anymore. The second we got their they had me hooked up too all these tubes I knew it would take a few hours to heal so I would be good soon. A nurse walked in and I sighed "Where am I?"

She smiled " Egypt'

Then I raised a brow what? Egypt?!

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