Callie-Chapter 7

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I Opened the door i was expecting Alex because i sensed he was right outside the door I'll be honest i wanted to talk to him about maybe opening up i turned the door and opened the door only to see a fist find it's way to my face it didn't hurt the pain was nothing compared to what Odin did. still i took a step back how dare Alex. I turn around Fire erupting in my eyes only to see a angry looking Lily I death glared her which made Alex look worried I raised my head i wasn't about to show her i had any form of emotion I smiled coldly.

"Lily, you're back"

I felt like if her face got anymore red she would explode instead she tried to jump at me i sidestepped and she fell to the ground she turned

"Give me my father back"

I looked around innocently "Who? Ah you must mean my butler"

She scowled "You listen here you-"

I cut her off my voice raised just a little "No, You listen You can't hurt me or my friends anymore they might not remember what you did but i do!"

She looked at me then outside then she pulled her bow and arrows out of thin air then lowered her weapon. "Fine, By right i can challenge you to a fight to the death winner gets Hermes and whatever else you have here"

I saw Alex's look of horror on his face i sigh "I won't fight someone who wouldn't have a chance, you would die and as much as i would love Brother wouldn't forgive me"

She scowls "Fight me! on behalf of Artemis you have to agree!"

That made me freeze in my steps "You have no right-"

She cut me off "I have every right i am her daughter"

My eye twitched "fine you want a fight, i will give you a fight!"

i snapped and we stood in the front off their house and everyone else was now sitting on the steps freaking out i guess it occurred to them what was going on they were screaming for me to stop. I turned to Lily.

"I will not use magic"

She scowled "I don't believe that for a second"

I shrugged then i heard Alex yell at me "Don't!"

I ignore it then pull out my Bow and Arrows and simply take on arrow out and lay the rest down and she rolled her eyes. "You have that much pride you think you can fight my with one arrow"

I look down almost sad about having to kill her in front of my family i turn to her. "I have no pride that was stolen from me the moment My father started to train me, I have no emotions they are all gone. I told you to back off i told you i wouldn't fight but by law i have to agree and if i had any emotion right now it would be pity"

i hold the arrow in my hand then Lily starts firing arrows at me i move out off the way and she missed as i move closer and the more arrows she fires finally she hits my stomach i look down then back at her and she smirks.

"You predictable"

I see blood drain on my shirt i could feel blood in my water i felt no pain i looked up at her "and you're a cold blooded killer"

I pull the arrow out off my gut and then i hold it I could see flashes off my training with Odin i was reverting and i was also trying to stop it I didn't want to go back to the cold blooded killer that i was i just wanted to be a family again and Odin wouldn't let me. Lily ran at me and threw a lot of punches I heard gasps but i seriously doubted they cared about me. finally when she stopped i got to my feet and gave a bloody smile. "You realize i'm a god right?"

then i punched her into a tree I felt dizzy but i shrugged it off and walked to her then stabbed her arm with her own arrow i yanked it out and punched her. she tried to kick me off but i grabbed her leg and dragged her into the grass.

"You thought you could come to my home, and kill me?"

I flickered my hand and my bow and arrows were at hand i pulled back and Alex yelled "Callie no!"

I turn and i saw the look on everyone's face the hatred guilt no one cared about me Odin was right tears came to my eyes my family hates me. I turn to face her it's all her fault, yet they ask me to spare her i let the arrow fly into her arm and i walked up to her.

"Leave, You best be gone by nightfall or so help me....i'll finish the job"

I un freeze them then look at them all "I am sorry that you all dislike me so much, but don't worry i too will be gone by nightfall"

and with that i turned heel and walked back to my house i looked in the mirror and saw a bloody beaten girl, I didn't see Callie i looked at Hermes.

"Clean this place up pack me a bag were going to my father's"

I heard his cold voice "I will be waiting"

i sat down beside Hestia "You wrong you know"

She frowned "About what?"

I look down "My family hates me, It doesn't matter what i do I'm not their Callie and that's why they hate me"

She puts her arm around my shoulder "Yes they do somewhere deep they still might"

I wanted to cry, knowing that i could feel everything at this moment, I don't want to be able to feel ever again. I started to push All off them far far away so far it would take years to get them back every single last one was gone all but two Anger and Happiness i seriously doubted i would use the last one but i hoped i would. It took a while but within an hour or two I was ready Hermes was doing last checks while i stood at the door with Hestia. I wanted to learn to forget that seemed like the best option all those years the only thing i held onto was the idea off my family going to them and us being a family. now the only thing i want to do is forget about them and never let anyone hurt me again. I could and would make my own family with Odin. I heard a knock at the door i knew who it was but i didn't want to answer finally i snapped i was in replicas off what i wore earlier minus the blood. I open the door and their stands Spencer I smile i genuinely was happy he was here. He rubbed his neck and i knew they didn't know he was here i let him the second i shut the door he turned to me.

"You're not actually leaving right?"

I point to the bags "You guys don't care, so i'm going back to my Dad"

He shakes his head and grabs my arm "Callie, you can't"

I frowned "I can, and will"

He shook his head "Why not instead me and you go away somewhere, anywhere"

I raised an eyebrow "You would go away with me, just you and me?"

He nods "Why not it will be fun"

He looked worried but i didn't care I smiled "Ok, I think i can do that"

He smiled "One rule"

I nod "hm?"

He points "Lose the black"

I roll my eyes and turn to Hermes and Hestia "Watch the house while i'm gone no one comes in, don't tell them where we have gone"

and with that i snap a pool off smoke surrounds me and I changed into some jeans and a normal shirt i lost the dark makeup and i let my pail hair down i still had pale skin and pale hair my nails were still black but Spencer seemed happy. We walked outside and their in the parking lot was a comfortable we got in then He turned to me.

"Where too?"

I shrug "I've always liked Texas this time of year"

we pull out off the driveway and he drives off.

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