Alex-Chapter 6

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I woke up several times in the night. I felt like something bad was gonna happen. I can just feel it like a tingle in my spine. This morning when I woke up I had the same feeling. but now I was able to brush it off to the back of my head. Lily was awake and hanging out with Gabe, Sara, and- Pause that thought I smell bacon. I stood up and stretched my back and shoulders. Going into the kitchen.

"You slept in." Virgo said stating the known I sat across from Sara and Lily. Virgo put the leftover bacon in front of my. I listened to the chatter between the different people in the room as I inhaled the bacon. Lily looked at me with the same mischievous look she would give me back in school.

"what are you planning?" She smiled.

"We need to prank someone. Just like old times" I shook my head.

"As much as I would love to, I can't we are in no place right now to be screwing around" She frowned

"What happened to you, Lex?" I shrugged

"It sorta happens when your trying to keep your whole team together, lead them, make decisions, recognize the details that could mean war, strategize exactly what to do when the war begins, know what to do in the battlefield, be there for your whole team of 11 other people, and try to be normal at the same time" She frowned

"Alex you've grown up." She said I sighed.

"Don't I know it" I mumbled.

"Doesn't get you out of hanging out, I'm only here for a few days at the most. Sara wants to shoot our bows and just hang out for a little while, You could grab a bow and try to shoot or whatever" I nodded

"It shouldn't be too hard, the old me carried a shotgun with him everywhere" She smiled. She was about to say something But I decided to cut her off "Why don't we just go on a walk?" She shrugged.

"Mkay fine by me"

"We'll go in a little while I'm gonna find a shirt" I stood and she nodded.I jogged up to my room and looked around on the floor for something that wasn't too dirty. i found my old shirt with the skeleton girl leaning on it with smoke rolling up from her lips. I slipped the shirt on and sprayed on some cologne. I got down stairs pretty quickly. Lily had been waiting for me in the living room. She had been laying on the carpet floor. Her golden locks sprawled out around her.

"I'm ready if you are." I said, and she turned around.

"Yeah let's head out" We walked outside and went into the woods. We walked around aimlessly in any direction our voices carried us. We eventually circled around to the front yard and Callie just had to have Hermes working in her garden. She just wants to pick a fight now that she knows she can win. Lily ran across the road right to Callie's front door. She's gonna get herself killed. I Sprinted after her, desperately trying to make it to her before she opens the door.

The Fall of a godTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon