Alex-Chapter 18

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Sara and I rented a car not too incredibly far away from the airport, but of course Sara being a woman still had to complain about why we couldn't call a cab.

"Because cabs drive too fast. And how are we supposed to enjoy the beauty of Greece if we're gong 50MPH in a car?" She still grumbled. I shrugged it off. It felt like it was around fall here or maybe spring, anyway there was a cool breeze that went through my hair as we walked. I saw the big blue sign right up a hill. She sighed

"You owe me a nice dinner" I rolled my eyes.

"So hot dogs right?" She punched my shoulder

"Alex you know what I meant!" I nodded.

"Yeah whatever. I'll take you somewhere nice." She nodded and we started to walk up the hill. She stopped deciding I could pick her up once I got up the car. I glared at her. She id that thing girls do with their hips in arguments so you know to just let them win.

"No someone will kidnap you or kill you." She shrugged

"I can fight"

"Not that I know of." I mentally sighed and leaned down

"What are you doing?" She looked confused

"I remember giving you these when we were kids. Just before we were all sent off to be trained individually by different gods." She got the hint and hopped on my back

"I don't remember it being individual. I had about two or three others" I started jogging up the hill.

"Well both times I remember being completely alone" She squeezed around my neck. I can personally promise you that is exactly what she used to do when w3e were kids. I rented a red motorcycle.Much to Sara's displeasure , and it was the cheapest vehicle in the lot. I drove for about half an hour before we reached the Hotel. I looked at Sara

"Do you know Greek?" She shook her head 'no' I walked up to the front desk

"Γεια σας, θα ήθελα να νοικιάσω ένα δωμάτιο παρακαλώ." 'Hello I would like to rent a room please.' the Woman had bright blue eyes that felt almost ancient They almost contradicted her dark skin and hair. She typed into a computer.

"Ένα κρεβάτι ή δύο από αυτούς; Εκτός αν θέλετε ένα κοστούμι." 'One bed or two? unless you want a suit' I looked at Sara who was utterly confused

"Ποια είναι η λιγότερο δαπανηρή επιλογή;" 'What is the least expensive option?' he typed around.

"Καλά πόσο καιρό θα μείνετε μαζί μας;" 'Well how long will you be staying with us?"

"Τρεις ημέρες, το πολύ." 'Three days at the most'

"Στη συνέχεια, ένα κρεβάτι θα κοστίσει το λιγότερο." 'then one bed will cost less' I nodded and pointed to her computer not wanting to speak anymore greek. She type it into her computer and handed us our key. I paid the cash up front. I started walking to the stairs with Sara.

"So we got a one bedded room on the top floor." She death glared me.

"That was on purpose wasn't it?" I could hear the poison she wanted to be on her breath. It wasn't though

"I'll take the couch or something if it bothers you. It's just cheaper this way" She nodded. And we walk up the stairs in silence we got to the room and I handed her the key. She unlocked the door and walked inside. The air conditioned air hit my face as soon as she opened the door. It was a small room, not that I cared. I didn't bring that much stuff anyway. Only enough to last me a few days. At this time it was about 12:30 or as I like to call midnight thirty. I found the couch which was kinda small but whatever I've slept on worse. I watched Sara make coffee until I fell to sleep. The next morning I woke up and there was liquified whipped cream on my upper lip. Funny. Very funny. Woah wait where's my necklace. Sara was still asleep. I threw my legs off the side of the couch and went to the bathroom cleaning my face off. There I found My necklace and her bracelet. I checked the time, about 7:15 wow that's early for me. Maybe I could take a quick shower to impress Enyalius. I thought about it for a minute and ended up doing that. Sara probably did last night after I went to sleep. So I grabbed my hair soap and did exactly what I said I was gonna do. I cleaned myself up. I got out and I shaved the little bit of stubble I had with my razor. I heard the coffee pot turn on. Shit she's up! I wrapped a towel around my torso and opened the door.

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