Callie- Chapter 5

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I stood there, frozen really not wanting to move finally after i knew they were all asleep I felt a shift someone was over there that shouldn't be I would check it out later i turned to Hestia and Hermes and gave an eerie grin

" I'll see you tomorrow"

I snapped and i was in my study I don't eat or sleep so their was no need to use my bed. i laid on the couch My name is Callie,Callie I'm a god. I have no family The family i had hates me it's better off if i Go back i'll probably be happier their I got jolted out of my thoughts when i heard his voice You would be I looked down

"You're probably right But..."

I could hear his curiosity What?

I stood up and looked around "Alex said...They didn't abandoned me..And I know him he thinks he's telling the truth but that's not right you said.."

I heard his cold laugh echo through my mind Sweetheart, Don't you recall? After they Betrayed you i zapped them away, that could have caused some damage but i wasn't thinking about that I didn't say anything and i felt him leave i Thought about it trying to remember what happened exactly everything was fuzzy I remember Alex telling me I wasn't allowed to go anywhere then i remember them betraying me Anger surged through me and i didn't hold it back sadness and anger i couldn't hold them back i kept going over it over and over the smug look on Luke's face as they dragged me to my father Virgos smile she had and Alex cold laugh made me break completely That horrible day. I stood pacing trying to control my anger it was enough to break me i didn't believe going on a killing spree again was going to change their minds about me i couldn't control it i needed to punch something my fists were clenched i felt like there was fire going through me I knew why this was happening, Because i'm emotionless or have been for the past 100 and 6 years i knew how to push it so far away that it would be almost impossible to get back. I heard someone knock i glared at the door and then Hermes walked in the moment he looked at me, He looked scared

"I can come back.."

He started to turn but my words stopped him "No, What do you want?"

He turned ever so slowly "The person that is at their home is..."

He trailed off, "Who Hermes?"

My voice was very stern and softly he spoke one word "Lily"

Then, right then in their I felt my rage boiling but i also had started to shove it as far as i could almost so far away that i would never feel it again but not to far just incase i needed that rage, I shrugged I would have felt Jealousy if i was normal callie but to be honest what do i have to be Jealous about? Nothing I'm a god, I have her father, I have a nice house, If i wanted to i could probably take Mount olympus. the only thing she had that i didn't is Artemis. then I looked at Hermes back to my Robotic state.


He frowns "Ok?"

then i horrible idea appeared in my mind "Hermes"


I smiled "You will be tended to the garden outside all day tomorrow, But i will warn you I have an electrical field around you at all times so if She tries to free you, it might come to her as a shock."

He looked like he might get sick but he nodded and left quickly i sighed i felt pretty good about myself at least i can say i tried Those words bounced around in my head, finally i got up and walked downstairs i saw Hestia at the fireplace tended to it. I walked up to her and sat beside her She smiled

"Do you hate me?"

she shook her head "No why would you assume that?

I shrug "Because i just kidnapped you"

she looked at the fire "No, I like getting out once and awhile"

I frowned I literally just kidnapped her? I decided to change subjects

"so I need you're opinion"

She looked back at me "yes?"

I sighed "how do I get people to like me?"

She grinned "that's easy, be yourself"

I rolled my eyes "I've already tried that"

She frowned "are you sure?"

I nod and she shakes her head "Callie they know you as nice never hurt a fly, you may have changed a little but somewhere is that same Callie"

I glare at her then she sighs looking down.

"You can fake it"

I smile "that's a great idea!"

I walk to my mirror and frown how in the world am I going to do that? Well maybe if that won't work I looked at the time it was day time maybe around 3 eh I walked outside and looked around to find Hermes ok I walked up to him and walked up to him the sight of seeing a god planting flowers in my front yard put a smile on my face.

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