Chapter 33

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(A/N it's April cause that's when the twins were born i think. I'm sorry. Im really bad at keeping track of all of this)

"Benny can you watch Belle? I need to get dressed and Peter is with Yeah-Yeah."

"Yeah, sure."

I handed Belle to him and she started smiling.

"She likes you."

I began to walk away, when Benny stopped me.

"Hey Ariel?"


"What's it like being a parent?"

"Everything you would think. It's horrible, but seeing the smile on their face makes it all worth it. But nothing beats the first smile they make. Why you ask?"

"I wanna start a family. Maybe not now, but one day."

"You'll be a great dad. Don't worry about not being one. That drew Alan and I apart."

He nodded and I walked away and got dressed. 

*an hour later*

*Yeah-Yeah's POV*

"Ham, have you seen Ariel?"

"Not since we got here. I saw her smiling and then she walked inside."

I looked over, and saw the twins having fun with Katie and the others. I smiled and decided it was okay if I went to look for Ariel.

I walked inside, and walked to my room, checking there first.

"How did I know you were gonna be here?"


"Are you okay?"

She burst into tears.

I walked around, and noticed that she was sitting by my bags.

"Ariel, come here."

I sat down and she buried her head in my shoulder.

"You can't leave me. What am I supposed to do without you?"

"What are you supposed to do? What am I supposed to do without you? Ariel, you're the love of my life. I don't want to leave you."

She cried even more.

"Hey, look at me."

She looked up.

"We're gonna go back out there, celebrate the life of our twins, and afterwards," I bent down to whisper in her ear, "we're gonna celebrate ourselves."

She laughed. 

"I love you Ariel."

"I love you more."

*after the party*

"Peter stop squirming! You have to take a bath. You have cake all over you." Alan said.

"I told you, you could've washed Belle." I laughed.

"I wanna spend time with my son."

Peter frowned and started crying.

"Come here Peter baby." I motioned to grab him and he raised his arms.

"Why doesn't he like me?"

"He's probably just hungry. He's never like this with you."

I walked to the kitchen, got a bottle, and started feeding him.

"See? I was right."

Yeah-Yeah sighed. 

"What if they don't remember me?"

I gave Peter to him.

"Then I guess we need to start making memories now."

I grabbed one of the presents, and took a picture of Yeah-Yeah holding Peter.

"There." I said as it developed. 

"Now he'll never forget."

*in the morning*

Yeah-Yeah's arms were wrapped around me, and I groaned as I woke up.

There were pictures laid out all over the floor.

I felt his arm tighten around me.

"I was wondering when you were gonna wake up." a croaky voice said.

"How long have you been awake?"

"Not long. I didn't wanna wake you."

I smiled and kissed him.

"Can I just act sick and not have to go?"

"If only it was that simple."

*2 hours later*

"Remember to write." I sniffled. 

"I would never forget."

He kissed the top of the twins's heads and handed them back to Ella and Smalls, who were watching them.

"I-I can't-" 

His lips stopped me.

I heard a flash, and when we pulled apart, Emma was standing there with the camera.

"One more for the album." She smiled.

"Take good care of them. They're gonna need you." 

I cried even more.

I slowly grabbed the envelope out of my pocket and handed it to him.

"Don't open it yet."

He looked me in the eyes.

A tear slipped from them.

"Yeah-Yeah you're gonna make me cry even more." I said wrapping my arms around him once more.

"Alan, you have to go." His mom pushed.

"I'm gonna come back." 

"I know."

He bent down, and his lips lingered above mine for a few seconds, before they hit them.

We didn't pull away.

We let the kiss stay there, before we both finally knew that he had to go.

"I love you Yeah-Yeah."

"I love you more my Queen."

I heard coughs come from behind me.

"My bad. My Baseball Queen."

I laughed, knowing that he did love me.

"Whatever Yeah-Yeah."


Whatever Yeah-YeahWhere stories live. Discover now