Chapter 1

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        "Mom I'm going out!" I yelled. "Okay. Be back before dark!" she yelled back. I ran outside, grabbed my bike, and went to what these boys called, the sandlot. There were already 9 of them, but what the heck? I dropped my bike quietly, and grabbed my glove. Then I patiently waited for the right moment.

         Overhearing them, I found out their names: Benny, Squints, Bertram, Timmy, Tommy, Ham, Smalls, Kenny, and Yeah-Yeah.        

         The one named Benny yelled,"Smalls, throw to second." The Kenny pitched the ball and Benny hit it. The ball flew out of Smalls reach and was coming towards me. Before I even knew what I was doing, I ran, jumped up, and caught the ball. All the boys let out a, "Whoa." Without hesitating, I threw the ball to second. Bertram caught it and then stared at Benny.

        'Hey you!" Benny yelled. "Come here!" I ran over to the dugout and Benny said, "You got good game dude." "Bennyman, I think that's a girl." Ham said. "It's alright. I'd rather be called dude than ma'am, lady, or miss." I replied. "Alright. She got attitude, We know how you handle out field. Let's see how good you are at batting." Benny said giving me a bat. I stepped up to the plate and Kenny went to the pitchers plate. "Go easy on her, Kenny." Ham said. I turned around and gave him the finger. Turning back, I saw a ball flying towards me, so I swung, and I saw that the ball almost went over the fence.

        "Alright. You wanna hang with us?" Benny asked. "Yeah-Yeah sure." I replied. The boys just stared at each other again. "What is it this time?" I asked them. "Well you see that over there is Yeah-Yeah and he always says things twice." Bertram said. "Yeah-Yeah that's my line." Yeah-Yeah stated. "Sorry Yeah-Yeah. Didn't know. Now we gonna play some ball or what?" "We need your name first doll face." Ham said. "Ariel. We're losing daylight girls, come on!" "R, you play backfield." Benny said. Wow, I thought, I already have a nickname. Right when Kenny was about to pitch, a man yelled, "Sandlot! Come get Hercules !" Everyone dropped their equipment and ran to the house behind the fence. I followed, and when I caught up, I saw the boys talking to my gramps.

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