Contest Part 2!

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I forgot to add some things to that last part, and I just decided to make a new part for it.

Just so you know what fandoms I know, here are some:

The Walking Dead

Game Of Thrones

Sandlot (duh)

Peter Pan OUAT

Any OUAT (Once Upon A Time)

One Direction (lol)


Maze Runner

Chandler Riggs

Draco Malfoy

Ron Weasley

Fred Weasley

George Weasley

Spencer Reid (Criminal Minds)

Youtubers (Such as Jacksepticeye, Danisononfire, AmazingPhil)

Those are just a few that I can come up with off the top of my head. I think that's about it though.

Also, I will pick the top three, and the prizes are:

First Place: Skype/Facetime Call, personally written letter and signed, a mention, and a drawing of any fandom or people or whatever you choose.

Second Place: Skype/Facetime call, mention, drawing of Yeah-Yeah and Ariel.

Third Place: Skype/Facetime call, and a mention. 

I hope this cleared things up a bit. :)

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