Chapter 18

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"You're distracted." Greg pointed out.

I was buried up to my neck in paper work and I was dying to finish it all so I could spend another night with Grant. And, yes, I was distracted because I kept thinking about the things that Alpha Jordan had said, but I wasn't prepared to talk about it with Greg.

"No, I'm not." I said, reading over some new development plans, "Did you approve these?"

Greg shook his head, "You can't lie to me, just like I can't approve anything. What's going on with you? You've been acting funny since you got back yesterday."

I scribbled my signature on the document, then thrust it towards him, "Go take this to Mr. Davis, I want these plans set in motion right away. We're going to need those new houses up as soon as possible but I don't want them built badly, do you understand?"

"It's not my first day in the office." Greg said, "I'll do what you want, but I know something is wrong, why don't you take a break and talk to Grant about it."

"Because it's about Grant!" I hissed. "Damn it Greg, why are you so emotionally invested in me."

"Because you're my alpha, if it bothers you it bothers me. So what's going on?"

"Alpha Jordan said some stuff that really upset me yesterday, but he said other things that just got me thinking, you know? I haven't had my mating ceremony yet, but I don't think I want to have a mating ceremony at all. Regardless, Grant hasn't been formally introduced to the pack, and to make matters worse my parents are still in constant contact with Alpha Jordan."

Greg paused for a moment and scanned me over, "Go talk to Grant."

"I can't!"

"Don't talk to him about this, just go to him. Hell, don't even talk, just let him hold you or play with your hair. I know you want to get through this paper work, but if you're upset you're going to make mistakes. Just take an hour break, then come back here."

"You aren't going to give in and just let me do my work, are you?"

"Absolutely not, go." Greg ordered, pointing to the door, "Maybe even let your wolf out for a little bit, she might be just as upset as you are."

"Alright, fine." I complied, standing up and marching to the door, "But just one hour, then I'm finishing this paper work."

I followed Greg's instructions and milled around my house for my mate. I was a little surprised when I didn't find him in his own bedroom. Last night after we came home from visiting his family he had gone straight to his room without a word to me which upset me deeply. I tried to let it go, telling myself he needed some alone time after seeing his parents in such a harsh environment. I just hoped he wasn't troubled anymore.

I looked for him for a while longer, but when I couldn't find him in the kitchen, the living room, or my bedroom I gave up. Besides, Greg was right, my wolf did need a run.

I left my house and strolled outside, letting the summer air calm down my frayed nerves as much as it could. I didn't want to startle anyone by shifting immediately, so I wandered around until I found someone to run with. Karma was delighted that I asked her to accompany me for a run and was so eager she shifted right away. I didn't complain, I just laughed and followed suit, leaving my clothing in a shredded heap in the middle of my community as I raced towards the trees.

The run was refreshing. It had been a long time since my wolf had been let out and running was a wonderful way to clear her of all of her emotions. She raced around the trees, playfully nipping at Karma's gorgeous wolf when the opportunity arose. It turned out that Karma was a great running partner. She was fit s her body moved quickly and she was small enough to be agile. I was honestly impressed with her stamina. I kept her wolf running for well over an hour and when we returned to my home, both still in wolf form, she was hardly panting.

We shifted outside of my home then strolled into the house. I kept a few extra pieces of clothing in the front entrance since the run in with Grant a while back, so I grabbed a cheap sun dress for Karma and a long tee shirt for myself.

My work was forgotten as we settled into my home and I boiled some tea. The conversation between us flowed easily. She was thrilled about Grant's progress but she was even more excited to talk about a new development in her life.

"I'm going to college!" she announced.

I sat there, gawking at her, simply amazed. "College?" I repeated. Hardly any werewolves went to college, our lives were here. We made money by working for each other. Our economy was relatively small and closed off from the larger human world.

"Yes, I've decided that I was to have a part time job as a teacher's aid."

"Wow." I said softly, "That's amazing, but what made you want to go to college?"

"Well, I love being the pack doctor, I really do, but this pack is small, it's not like we're the royal pack with thousands of pack members who need constant attention."

I knew what she was talking about. The royals were hardly ever talked about now, they didn't even really have a pack, it was more like a massive herd of warriors who were only used when packs got out of hand. As far as I knew the warriors hadn't seen a real war since before I was even born, but they still had training every day. Someone was bound to get injured there.

"If I'm lucky I get to see a child who has scraped their knee or a warrior who stayed up too late and caught a cold once a week. I love working for this pack but I think I'm ready for a little more action. Besides, I want to be ready when I have pups, you know."

"I understand." I said honestly, even as the alpha this pack could get a little too quiet and a little too boring.

"So, is that a yes?" Karma asked, peering up at me through her insanely long lashes.

"Of course." I said as I sipped my tea, "You have my permission to do whatever it is your heart desires."

Karma smiled down at her tea cup, "Thank you Alpha." She said.

Just as our conversation began to resume to a more light topic the front door opened and was slammed shut which brought my attention to a very confused looking Greg.

"Hey." I greeted.

"Vienna, I think I just found out something important." He said, seeming a little dazed.


"I think I should go, thank you for the run." Karma said in a hushed whisper, leaping off the couch.

I ignored her and continued to stare at Greg who suddenly seemed to sober himself up, "Sorry, I shouldn't have jumped on you like that, I need to do some more research before I jump to any conclusions." He said, almost scolding himself.

"Well, can you at least tell me what it is about?" I asked.

Greg opened his mouth to reply just as the front door opened yet again. This time it was Grant.

"Vienna." He breathed, his eyes immediately narrowing in on my bare legs. His eyes darkened at the sight of my skin and I realised just how naked I was. I had nothing on but a long tee shirt.

But Grant's attention quickly moved to the other male in the room and he let out a rough snarl, making Greg put his hands up in defeat and respect. I debated asking Greg to stay, I wanted to know what he had discovered but I couldn't find it in me. I had never seen Grant like this so when Greg slithered towards the back door, avoiding my mate and leaving, I didn't stop him.


Do we want to see Grant become more dominant, yes or no? Thanks for all of the comments, votes, and reads! Love you! Also, the next chapter gets steamy, please skip over it if you're uncomfortable with sexual content.

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