Hurt Owl

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'I'm so bored' Bokuto thought. 'I guess I'll go for a walk.' Bokuto lazily laid up and stretched, still sitting on his bed. He slowly got off his bed, feeling a bit tired. He grabbed his keys, phone, and wallet off the kitchen counter before heading towards the door and putting on his shoes. Bokuto then exited his home and went for a walk.

As he walked the streets of the town he looked around to see many people walking and a lot of shops. A normal day in the buzzing town. Bokuto wanted some peace and quiet so he headed towards the park and walked around there. He saw a game of volley ball going on and wanted to join but decided not to. As he explored a bit more there was a playground that made Bokuto wish he was a kid again. He found a place with a fountain and a bench so he decided to take a rest when he heard a strange noise.

The noise wasn't too strange, seeing as it was familiar. He recognized the noise as chipping. But this was a strange chirping. More like a "who" than a "chirp" or a "squawk". He headed towards the noise only to find a little baby owl. Bokuto picked up the owl and examined it. He loved owls. Especially baby ones, he thought they were cute. Bokuto thought grown up owls were pretty. This one seemed to be not a baby, but not a full adult.   'Maybe a teen? Can owls even be teens?' Bokuto had done a lot of research on owls, seeing as they were his favorite animals, but he never saw anything regarding an owls age.

As Bokuto examined the owl he found that it's wing had been scratched. "Oya oya, what is this?"As he lightly touched it the owl "who"ed  loudly and seemed as if in great pain. 'That's weird, I didn't think birds acted like this.' No matter how much research Bokuto had done he never really encountered an owl or any bird for that matter. He decided he would take care of the owl for now till morning. The vet was closed at this hour and the sun seemed to be setting. Bokuto put the owl under his coat and rushed home.

Once home, he out the owl on the counter n stared at it. The owl stared right back but gave him an uncomfortable look. 'The owl seems to have emotions likes humans and expresses them like humans. Are all owls like this, or is this one special?'

The little owl(AU)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin