Chapter 4

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I rubbed my head. Ow. I was laying in an uncomfortable position on a couch. As I said, in an uncomfortable position. I turned my head. I heard a small cracking noise. I guess, I was laying there long enough to get a knot in my neck. "Oh! You're awake! Sooo... tell me what you think about your new look...?" I rubbed my eyes as I looked around for the owner of the voice. In front of me I saw Alexia. "Huh?" I said, confused.

"She doesn't remember the disguise." A soft, deep voice spoke from somewhere in the room. I soon noticed it as Griffin's voice. "Heh. Well, Izzy, why don't you stand up and take a look at yourself." Alexia said. I stood up, and followed Alexia outside. The meif'wa led me to a small pond. The water was crystal clear, and as I looked at myself in the water... I gasped in shock. "W-what happened to my ears? I used to be a lu'pine!" I exclaimed. "And my hair! My beautiful hair!" I said as I looked at my hair. 

Now I had black-and-blue ears and my hair was purple and blue.

I loved the colors.. but I don't like the fact that my hair was dyed. But is did look nice.... Well, slightly.

I sighed, "I thought you said a disguise. Not something permanent." I said with narrowed eyes. "Well... The hair can be undone... but I need to find something for the meif'wa-ness." Alexia said, and gave a small smile to me. "What do you think big brother?" Alexia asked, and turned her head to Griffin. "Oh! Uh.. she looks... nice. I can barely recognize her without the brown hair and the lu'pine-ness." Griffin said with a small smile. I frowned, thought for a bit, then smiled. "You know what? It looks great! Thank's Alexia!" I said. "Isolde..." I turned my head to Alexia, "Hmm? What is it?" I said. 

"You and Griffin would make a cute couple!" Alexia smiled, I could tell she was holding back a chuckle. My tail (and ear) fur bristled. "What!? Alexia, we just met each other! You can't think that-" Alexia cut me off. "I just see it." Alexia smirked. "And I was just kidding!" She laughed. I flicked my tail in ignorance, then chuckled. "Fine." I muttered, and turned to Griffin. "Let's get back to the guard tower. I want to talk to Nikki and Adam." I told him. Griffin nodded.

"What do you want to talk to them about?" Griffin asked. "You'll find out soon enough. Let's get a move on though." I said, then turned and gave a small wave to Alexia. "See ya!" I said and followed Griffin back to the guard tower.

Luckily, Nikki and Adam were already there and were discussing something among themselves.

Nikki seemed to notice us first. "Griffin! You're back! That's great! We just wanted to talk to you about this note-" She seemed to notice me. She gave a small sniff of the air. "Isolde? Is that you? You smell... different." She said. I gave a small nod of my head, and added a small wave. "Yeah. It's me." I said. Adam narrowed his gleaming red eyes. "Why are you a meif'wa?" He asked. "Last time I saw you, you were a lu'pine." He said. I narrowed my eyes. "It's none of your business." I told him, and crossed my arms.

Adam scoffed, "It is my business-" He was cut of by Griffin's clearing of his throat. "Adam, as second in command, it truly isn't your business. But as me being head guard, honestly I get to choose." Griffin stated. I didn't know is his statement was true of not, so I just glared at Adam. Adam glared at my with his cold, red eyes.

I wonder how he got those.

Only Shadow Knights have those.

"Okay. Since I was planning on it... I'm just going to tell you all." I muttered. Everyone, including Adam, watched me intently. But I, honestly didn't know if my choice was the right one.

Should I do this?

I sighed, and nodded. Yes. This is for the best. I told myself. "Do you three know anything about me?" I asked, and watched. Griffin stared at the wall behind me, a hint of knowledge behind his eyes. The other two shook their heads. No.

"Good. You'll need to know this information if-" i was cut off by Adam. "Excuse me Lord Isolde. But you're not out Lord...." He then looked up at Griffin. "Is she?" He asked. Griffin shook his head. "No. Unless the people start to call her Lord. She isn't." He said. Adam nodded, and brushed his hair out of his eyes again. I huffed, "I don't intend on becoming Lord of GriffinBlaze. That'll only make my job harder." I muttered.

"And what's that job?" Adam asked. "I need to run away from here." I said. "That's a job?" Adam said with a forced laugh. I rolled my eyes, "When you're wanted by the Lord of Arreea village it is." I said. "I've been doing it for two years. They're always a pace behind me." I say. "They're probably close to the village right now." I said. Griffin blinked, "You didn't tell me that." He said. I shrugged, "Sometimes... you have ton be quiet in order to be safe." I said. Griffin blinked, and it looked like he was trying to figure out why I'd said that.

"And it also doesn't help when the Lord of Arreea happens to be your father." I added to my former statement. "You're Lord Xander's daughter!?" Nikki's voice is filled with amusement. "But you look and smell nothing like him!" She said. I blinked, "That's becasue of my mother... Mostly." I said, and shook my head. "Anyways. I'm not sure why they want me back. But I need to run. I wish I would be able to stay behind. Stay here.. at this village. It feels more homey now." I say. "But I cant. It's to dangerous for everyone." I said.

"You're thinking like a Lord." Adam said. I blinked, and looked at him with a confused face. "You're thinking of the villagers first. That's what Lords do." Adam explained. I shook my head, "I wasn't intending on that..." I muttered. "She does have a Lord as her father." Nikki pointed out. "She's probably a born leader." Nikki then added. I blinked, looked at her, and shook my head.

"Anyways. My point is. I need to leave." I said, and glanced at the ceiling above me. "I'll be packing what I have. I'll be in my room if you need me." I told the three then walked around the corner and up the ladder.

But I had a strong feeling that someone wasn't going to let me run away...

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