Twenty Three

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(Above: My hand-drawn cover for GriffinBlaze. Hope y'all like it. If you have any question of which characters are which, ask me in the comments.
Art by: Me, Targetwolfie)

Isolde's POV

I woke up with a sniffle. I had dreamt of Adam again... I sighed. Kai... Kai was right... I need to learn to get over it... Even if it hurts...

And it does.

It really does.

I stood and got dressed into my armor (which had been on its stand for Irene knows how long) and head out of the room.

Kai is waiting in his Jury of Nine armor, scythe in hand. "Ready to go?" Kai asked, smiling. "Oh-- uh... y-yeah..." I said hesitantly, walking over to him. "Why're you wearing your armor? Didn't you resign?" I asked, a bit confused. "Ah-- don't worry!" Kai smiled. "I have to turn it in... so I figured I'd wear it one last time before we go to Lord Xander's mansion." Kai said. There was an owl's hoot from somewhere in the room that spooked me. "Dear Irene!" I chirped, spooked. "I almost forgot you had a messenger owl!" I exclaimed. Kai chuckled, and glanced back at the small grey owl. "Well... let's get going, we have to get to the other side of the city." Kai explained and opened the door. I walked out into the busy streets, biting my lip. "This way." Kai motioned for me to follow. I perked my ears and turned my head before following. People pointed and whispered when they saw us, but soon the whispering stopped. I hadn't realised that I was tense until they stopped.

I took in a shaky breath when we were in front of Anna's house. Kai nodded to me to stay there. I nodded and waited as he walked up and knocked on the door. There was a call from inside. And a screech of an owl as Anna ran to open the door, a snowy owl perched on her shoulder. "S-sorry for opening the door late." Anna said. "W-what did you two want...?" Anna asked. "May we come in?" Kai asked. Anna frowned, but nodded. The owl watched us warrily as we walked past Anna and into the house. Anna closed the door.

"We needed to talk to you." Kai said, turning to her. "Yeah-- that I figured." Anna mumbled. "Well. Uh... G-Go ahead and sit down, Anna..." Kai said softly. Anna widened her eyes at Kai's soft tone. "Woah! What happened to Mr. Deadly?!" Anna chuckled and went to sit on the nearby couch. "Ah, shut up and liste--" Kai started, but I slapped him upside his head. "Ow!" Kai hissed.

I turned my eyes back to the ground, avoiding Anna's eyes... I... didn't want to see her expression after we told her the news...

"Anna... look I... we..." I gulped and sighed, gathered courage, and looked up. My face must looked shattered because Anna's happy face turned into a serious one. "I..." I felt tears tugging at my eyes. I bit my lower quivering lip. "A-Adam he-he-he... Adam..." I began to stutter, trying desperatly not to sob. "What happened to my brother?" Anna asked, glancing from Kai to me and back again. "G-Griffin h-he..."

"Oh, for Irene's sake!" Kai snarled. "Adam's dead." Kai muttered. "S-sorry, did I hear you correctly?"

I can never unsee her shattered expression. Her eyes were wide, and the general sparkle in her eyes was gone. Poof. No more. Her jaws were clenched.... she looked... astonished... surprised...

"Yes. Yes you did." Kai growled, crossing his arms. "Griffin killed Adam-- for what reason, even Isolde doesn't know." Kai said in a softer tone. There was a sudden scream followed by a cry the room, making the owl screech and fly off. "N-No! N-Not my baby brother!" Anna sobbed. "I'm sorry, Anna but..." Kai didn't finish his sentence. "I will kill Griffin the minute I get my hands on him I'll rip his--"

"ENOUGH!" I screamed, tears streaming down my cheeks. "No one is going to kill anyone! We've had enough death already!" I exclaimed. "You're as good as dead if you kill just to avenge-- even if you feel they deserve it. Lady Irene would never do that!" I exclaim. "Yeah. Right.... you only say that because you're her great great granddaughter." Kai mumbled. Anna nodded in agreement. "Shut up!" I snarled. They widened their eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2017 ⏰

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