Chapter Thirteen

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Izzy's POV

I scanned the large room, there were nine chairs lined up, and my father sat behind a desk.

He nodded for me to stand next to him. "Since Paul the Shark Tooth died, we needed a replacement. First up on that list was my daughter, Isolde Woodsemer." Xander says. "While at guard training, she showed good skills and she filled out a paper which asked her..."

I tune him out and look at everyone in the room. I notice most of the jury members are girls. There's a blond girl with green eyes. She's has a sea blue cape and jewel. The girl next to her has brown hair and dark brown eyes, matched with an aqua marine cape and jewel. After her is another girl with a smirk on her face. She has pale brown hair and hazel eyes. She has two different colors. The cape is purple, the jewel is blue. Then there's an empty seat next to the girl with two different colors.

"Isolde. Raise your right hand and repeat after me." I rose my right hand and repeated what he said. Then I had to sign a paper. "Go to the room to your left and you'll find your weapons and armour." Xander says. I nod, and as I begin to walk to the room he says, "Welcome your new Jury Of Nine member: Isolde the Ice Demon." He says. The others look at me, some clap, others wave.

Vuk and Kai obviously look like they're in the wrong place.

They're the only guys here.

HA! I close the door to the room and am faced with three different colored sets of armor.

One is hot pink. No thank you!

Another is an icy blue. (A/N just think of Katelyn's armor)

And the last one is a mint green.

I'm attracted to the green... but something is pulling me to the blue. Right when I touch the icy blue jewel, frost explodes from it, covering the whole jewel and the cape. I smile and start to put the armor on. When it somes to the glove-like stuff it goes in pieces. I start to carefully put it on, then put on the hand part. At the ends of each finger is a long claw. of unmeltable ice. Same goes for the other arm.

There's also a hole in the armor...

Soo... that's where my tail goes I suppose....

I tug my tail through and inwardly hiss when some of my fur gets torn off. I put the cape on, then the waist band...


I smile and looked down at it. It actually looked pretty good on me. Then I walked over to a large box. I opened it easily and looked inside to see a bunch of weapons. But none of them were the same. Though I did notice that the blade to all of them were touching. I touched the middle of all the blades with one of the ice claws from the glove thingie. Two of the weapons got covered with frost, the others didn't. I grabbed the two that did get covered in frost and put them in the sheaths on the sides of the waist band.

One was a sword with ingravings on it, the other was a bow, but at the tips it had blades like a sword. I looked to the side of the box and grabbed a thing filled with arrows. Once I grabed the holder for the arrows to the bow, they burst into frost, completly covering them. I threw the arrow holder over ny shoulder, carefully tightened my ponytail, then opened the door and walked out. "Took her long enough." Kai mutteres. "Ooh! She looks nice in her armor!" I heard the blond girl say. I smile at her, and sit down in the seat by the girl with two colored armor. "Kay. You guys can mingle or leave." Xander mutters and leaves the room. I watch him go. Kai leaves to room, followed by Angelica. The rest stay.

Everyone gets up and talking erupts in the room. "I'm Molly the Unknown Enemy." Someone says from behind me, spooking me. I turn around to face her. "Uh... Hi." I smile at her. "And I'm Vesta the Red Flower!" Someone bumps into Molly. The girl with the aqua marine armor says. "Uh... your armor isn't exactly.... red." I tell her. "Pish posh!" Vesta waves it off. "Okay Vesta." The blond girl chuckles and walks over to me. "The name's Therese the Piercing Thorn." She says and offers her hand to shake. I shake her hand. "Lot of plant related names around here." I say. Therese chuckles with a nod. "Yeah." She says.

"Sooo... Izzy... How are you liking the armor?" Someone asks. I turn around to see Anna. "It's AWESOME!" I say, clenching ny hands to fists. Once I do this it seems to activate something, and blue (what looks like) flames appear from it. But as I look closer, it's frost and ice. I open my palm back up and it disappears. "Cool!" I exclaim. Anna chuckles. "Careful where you use your fists." She says.

"The armor you're wearing used to belong to May's great great Grandmother, who used to be a jury of nine member as well." Anna says. "What was her name?" I ask. "Katelyn the Fire Fist." Anna says. "Ah... cool!" I say. "So... uh... what about your parents?" I ask. "My parents?"


"Oh... they're not... somepeople I like to talk about." Anna mumbles. "Oh! I-I'm sorry!" I say, getting the feeling that they're dead. "No, you get the wrong message. They're alive. Very much alive! They're just not somepeople I'd like to call my parents..." Anna mutters.

"Y'know... you look a lot like someone my brother used to talk about?" Anna says. "Huh?"

"My brother used to talk a bunch about a lu'pine with blue eyes and brown hair. He was born normal, like me. But our parents... they pitched in with someone and helped us turn to what they are... anyways! Moving on! He used to say "I have to protect her. I swore my word to it" and such it was very funny.... but now... I dunno..." She looks down at me.

"Was your brother's name Adam by any chance?" I ask. Anna hesitantly nods, "Yeah..." She says. "Adam's one of my guards... He's a... Shadow Knight." I mutter the last words. "And he's actually pretty cute for what he is hehehe!" I chuckle. Anna's eyes are wide. "So that's why that black haired guy that was with you looked so familiar..." She numbled. I blink at watch her.

Now I think I know what she is... She's a Shadow Knight... But she doesn't have the red eyes...

I hear my name being called from downstairs and I walk out of the room and into the hallway.

"Isolde. There's someone requesting to see you." Xander says as I get to the bottom of the steps. I turn and look to my left... and who I see lights up my world...

I run towards Adam as he opens his arms with a wide smile. I immediatly hug him, he hugs me back. "You haven't seen me for a week." He chuckles. "And that's long enough. Do you know just how many times I checked behind my back for you?" I question. Adam shrugs, "Nah." He says.

I hug him tighter. "I like the new armor." Adam says. "Thanks." I say. "You can now call me Isolde the Ice Demon." I chuckle. Adam chuckles, "You're not a demon." He states. "But I can be mean." I shrug.

As we pull away from each other, I nod upstairs. "I met your sister." I told him. "My sist--"



Above is a picture of what the hand part of the armor looks like for Isolde

-I tried my best to draw it >.>-

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