Chapter Eleven

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"Who is 'she'?" Griffin asks. I flick my ears and turn and slowly and quietly make my way away from my group and away from the Jury of Nine members.

There's a swoosh and someone with a swords lands in front of me. I grab my sword out of its sheath and grip it tightly and stare hesitantly at the Jury member. She has a dark purple cape and jewel on her chest plate. She smirks, and puts her sword in its sheath before reaching behind her and grabbing one of the metal, sharpened weapons on her back that seem to look like wings.

And they're HUGE.

"A-Angelica the Blade Wing..." Nikki mumbles in somekind of awe. Griffin grabs my shoulder and pulls be back to him, Adam, and Nikki.

"Okay... so what's the plan?" Nikki asks. "Uh..." Griffin looks down. "We hand her over." He mutters. We all turn to look at him with surprised expressions. Griffin shakes his head, "We don't want any harm to come by oursel--" Adam cuts the dirty blond haired boy off. "Are you serious?! You can't be serious! She's our friend. We also said we'd protect her." Adam almost shouted at Griffin. He flinched at Adam's tone then he narrowed his eyes, and huffed and turned away from us. "We'll hand her over." Griffin says.

I stare at the ground and flick my tail. "We can tell that the meif'wa is Isolde. Your petty disguise didn't work Mr. Griffith." A cold and deadly voice hisses. The blood freezes in my vains as I reconize the owner of the voice.


He was one of my old friends back when I was at guard training...

We actually were a thing for a small while...

Then he got a job as a Jury of Nine member when a spot opened and he became cold. Deadly. Emotionless.

"Kai. Nice to see you to." I manage to mumble and I turn to look at him. He's wearing a maroon cape and has a maroon jewel there are three surrounding him. One has a fiery orange color, one a violet purple, and the last one was a plain gray. Two guys three gals were there.

The girl in fiery orange was short and had brown hair and mossy green eyes. The unusually tall girl had violet eyes and brown hair with a streak of purple running through it. She was weilding a bow almost as tall as her, which had a wooden snake wrapped around it from botton to top. The guy in gray had gray hair and I think I spotted a wolf from somewhere behind him...

"Vuk!" Nikki exclaims and runs to the guy. Kai shoves her away just as she's yards away from the, now smiling, jury member. Nilki lays on the ground.

Unconcious. I hiss at Kai, "Kai." I hiss. He looks at me with a smirk, "Yess kitty?" He asks. "Hey! That's my nickname for her!" Adam exclaims. I chuckle, "Calmaté Adam." I tell him. Then I go back to Kai. "Why am I being called to thr Jury?" I ask.

"A spot just opened up and you're next in line." Kai said simply. "But I thought I was suppost to be Lord of Areea village after my father's death." I told Kai.

"No. Your father's son is doing that." Kai said.

I have a brother... I think to myself then shake my head. "Kai. Couldn't you have just gone to someone else?" I asm.

"No. The Jury called to you specifically Izzy." Kai said. "Dont call me Izzy, Iz, or Kitty. Ever again." I hiss. "Fine. I won't." Kai says with a smirk.

I feel like slapping that smirk right off his face but I don't.

I put my sword in its sheath and take a breath. "Guys. This is best." I tell them. Griffin scoffs as if it were obvious. Nikki and Adam look at me like I'm crazy. "Izzy... are you sure?" Adam asks. "Adam. I've been running away from this for years. You even witnessed it..." I smirk and add. "Stal-ker." I giggle and Nikki joins in.

Adam rolls his eyes with a chuckle. "Okay. So? That doesn't mean you have to go." Adam says.

I nod my head, "Yes it does." I tell him. I lean up to whisper into his ear, "You're my sworn protector remember?" I say. Adam nods. "So you protect. It's your job. Sometime in my life I have to face up to my father. You can't run away from fate. You'll never experience things if you do." I tell him.

Adam nods, and as I lean back and away from him I kiss his cheek. "Don't stray far." I whisper. I lean back full away tp see Adam's reaction.

He's so cute when he blushes.

He chuckled and nodded. "Kay. I won't." He says.

"Hey Isolde! Come on!" The tall girl yells. I turn and run after her and wave to my friends before being flanked by the jury members.

How very welcoming of them

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