Chapter Twenty One 1/2

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Isolde's POV

After some time, we return home. I stare at the entrance to the village. Was the gate always so... decorative? I shrug it off and walk into the village, glancing around. Angelica stood, guarding the gate. I widened my eyes, frowning. "Did.. Did my dad..." I shook my head. "No, he didn't. Not yet, at least." Angelica replied, rolling her eyes. "Seriously. If your dad had taken over your village, there would be guards everywhere." Angelica said in a know-it-all voice. I huff and walk to the guard tower, I walk on in.

I had left Adam to talk to Angelica, Nikki was accompanying me at that moment. "Well. Your little brownie is up in his room if that's who you're looking for." I hear a dark voice. I instantly match it with Kai. I turn to the angry male. I frown. "Is he angry?" I ask, head tilted. "No. He's getting ready for some kind of journey. And from the supplies he's been gathering, it wouldn't surprise me if he's going to the Nether." Kai said like it was no big deal. I widen my eyes. "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold up. Nether?" I say, eyes widened. "Izzy, look." Nikki points to a blank faced Griffin standing in the hallway. I glance at him, but he storms right past me. I rush after him, ears flat against my skull.

"Griffin! Woah, Griffin, wait! Stop! You can't go to the Nether by yourself!" I exclaimed. "Leave me alone, Isolde." Griffin snapped, turning around. "Griffin..."

"You're not the one in charge around here. Did you think it was funny to allow yourself to join the Jury of Nine?" Griffin narrowed his gaze, his cold blue eyes staring into my soul. "It wasn't my choice, I--"

"No. Isolde. You don't get to talk." He stared at me, and I frowned. "Griffin what's going on?" I asked, worried I had done something wrong. He stared at me like... like I was some monster. It hurt me to see him glaring at me like that. What had I done to... to deserve this? I never did anythibg wrong. I glances away. "I'm going to look for something." He grumbled, and turned around and walked off. He was adorned in armor, and his sword glinted in the sun.

I stared at him before turning around. "Be that way Griffin... But you're one of my closeat friends." I said softly. "I-Isolde....?" Nikki asked softly. "Yes?" I glanced at her. "Adam... He's..." Nikki glanced at someone behind me. I turned my head. Adam's sword's tip is touching the ground. "So... what Angelica told me was true? You love him... more than me?" Adam asked, truly hurt. "No! Adam I--"

"Isolde. Why didn't you tell me?" Adam stared at me with his red eyes. Now filled with hurt. "I--" I started and frowned. "Why would you believe her, Adam?" I hissed. "She made sense, Isolde." Adam growled. "Adam I love--"

"No. Isolde. You don't." Adam growled. "I'm go get Griffin back. Unlike you... I actually care." Adam sneered. I widened my eyes. "Adam! Stop!" I exclaimed. But he was gone. I widened my eyes and slumped down, eyes wide. I gulped. "I-Izzy?" Nikki knelt down, a hand on my back. "What?" I snarled, whipping my head back. Nikki jumped back. "I... Nevermind." She said softly, and turned. She walked off, leaving me alone. I stood up and dragged myself to the guard station and sat in front of Kai, who was still sharpening his scythe.

"So?" He smirked and turned his gaze to me. I had my shoulders slumped as I began towards the ladder. "Hey! You didn't tell me what happened!" Kai snarled. "I don't have to tell you, Kai." I growled. "I can do things on my own."

I climbed up the ladder and to my room... The door was still broken but did it look like I cared? I walked into my room and laid on the bed. What had I done wrong? Why was Griffin so mad at me? Why did Adam think I didn't love him? I clenched my tedth, ears pinned to my head, and tail thrashing crazily. I was mad at myself for whatever I had done. However, I didn't do anything! It was me who was the problem. Me. Maybe if I took away that factor they'd all be okay? They'd be fine...

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