Chapter Six

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(Adam's POV)

I smiled down at Isolde, who was quietly sleeping by my side. In her sleep, she kept mumbling random names. I think I heard my name in there?

I smile, and grab my hand in hers. She looked so her sleep.

You may ask me why I hated her at first...

I didn't want her involved in the village.

I didn't want her to know who I was.

What I was...

Izzy stirred in her sleep, I pet her hair and she calmed and kept sleeping, softly snoring. I smiled.

She looked so peaceful.

I played with her fingers, and thought of how. I treated her when I first saw her here.

I rejected her. She must've thought I was a big mean bully. But... now she knows my reason...

She's a good person. I can tell...

I just hope she chooses the right path.

"Adam!" Someone pokes their head through the doorway, and looks at us. My face heats up. "N-nikki! Hey!" I smile nervously, and, instictivly, pull Isolde closer to me. Nikki smiles.

"You two look sooo cute together~!" Nikki exclaimed. "Shush! You'll wake Iz up!" I hiss at her quietly. "Oops, sorry!" Nikki whispers. "Griffin says its time to go. The moons full in the sky already." Nikki says. "Oh." I glance at Isolde, and gently.shake her. "We have to go." I whisper. She grumbles. "Five more years please." She mumbles. "Want me to carry you?" I ask.

I can see Nikki's wide grin from the door and roll my eyes at her.

Immature kid.

Isolde absentmidly nods. I sigh, and stand up. I lean over to pick her up. "I think her stuff, sword and all, is in her room." I tell Nikki. Nikki nods and darts off to Isolde's room. I carry Isolde as far as the ladder. "You'll have to climb down Sleeping Beauty." I tell her. Isolde grumbles, and just hugs onto me tightly. I huff, and look at her, then back at the ladder.

"Hold onto me tightly, I cant hold onto you while I'm going down." I whisper.

She hugs onto me tightly.

Damn, this girl has a strong grip!

I carefully make my way down the ladder, and once I get back on the ground I hold onto her once more. She loosens her grip.on me, and rests her head on my chest. I look at her, sigh, then walk towards the entrance. "Sleeping Beauty and her Prince are at your service." I mumble. Griffin looks at us, an eyebrow raised, then looked away.

But I didnt miss him clench his jaw.

Isolde snuggled closer to me, and I readjusted how I was holding her slightly. She grumbled, and held on to me, her ears were pressed to her head, and her tail was wrapped around my waist.

"Okie! Were ready to gooo~!" Nikki exclaimed. "Kay... lets go. Dont draw attention to yourselves." Griffin glared at me, then we began to walk through the streets of the village.

Oncr we were outside of the gates I turned to Griffin. "Horses?" I ask.

"Oh! Riiight...." Griffin mumbled. "I forgot..."

"How do you forget horses?!" I shout/whisper. Isolde stirrs. I kiss her forehead, and she grows calm. Griffin grumbles something angrily. "Just follow me to the campsite. You can put her down over there."

Just for the fun of messing with Griffin's heartstrings... I asked "And why would I do that, Mr. Griffith?"

Griffin didnt talk for the rest of the way.

I set Isolde down in a sleeping bag, but she wouldnt let go.

As I said before.... This girl got some grip, damn!

I tried pulling her off of me.


I sighed.

I know I'll regret this when she wakes up.... but...

I somehow manage to my shirt that I was wearing and pull the covers over both of us. Once I was comfortable, Isolde rested her head on my bare chest. She was still hugging me, I smiled down at her and kissed her forehead before I closed my eyes and fell asleep.


(Griffin's POV)

Why does he get her?

I thought he didnt like her?

And now they're sleeping together?!

I pulled off my shirt. It was the middle of summer.

Hot was the only weather I could explain.

And I didnt feel like having to worry about extra weight as I would sleep.

But I couldn't sleep.

I sat out on one of the logs surrounding the fire. I frowned as I looked at the flames.

Why Adam?

How him?

Didnt he not like her?

Why was he so nice to her all of the sudden?

My frown grew deeper as I stared at the sky.

Sometime in that time I must've fallen asleep.


I walked through a place that was unfamiliar, but ghostly images swirled around.

Someone's figure appeared infront of me.

But I didnt know who it was.

"Ah. My son!"

I furrowed my brows in confusion.

"You've grown into a fine young man." The persom's image grew stronger.

A man with blond hair and blue eyes appeared infront of me. "I- what?! You called me your son?" I asked him. He chuckled. "No, silly. You're one of my clostest friend's son... or great great grandchild that is..."

I looked around, and then back at him. "I have come to give you.something." He says.

Something blue appears infront of me. "This is Edmund's relic... protect it. It is yours to keep and protect fullheartedly." He said. The blue relic was seeling itself into my chest. I looked at the man. "W-who are you?!" i ask.

"Garroth Ro'meave. Great great grandfather of Isolde Woodsemer." Garroth says proudly. "We have not much more time, Griffin. Listen to me: You cant let the relic go until its your time to pass it on. So here." Garroth handed me a bracelet. "The relix will revert to whoever is wearing this. So be careful of who you give this bracelet to." Garroth says.

"I have to go now. See you later, kid." Garroth disappers. I look around as the dream land shaters.

~End of Dream~


I look down at my wrist and see the bracelet.

"I promise that I'll never take it off, Garroth." I say, and look up at the dawning sky.

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