Chapter Seventeen

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Griffin's POV

"So... you're the daughter of Lucinda, the witch that rules the woods?" I ask. Isma nods, "And the Demon Warlock's son, Travis." She smirks. "You're quite powerful then, I'd guess." Nikki says. I nod my agreement.

Isma nods, "Quite." She says.

"So... Nikki... Is Griffin your boyfriend?" Isma asks out of the blue. I raise an eyebrow. "No! He's hot. But he's not my type." Nikki says. "Plus. He and one of my friends have the hots for each other." Nikki smirks. I look at her in confusion before rolling my eyes.

"Can you tell me more about my sheild?" I ask, and throw the diamomd shield onto the table. Isma looks at it, and runs her finger sover the griffin ingraving/seal. She nods for us to look at it. We all look at the seal. Inside it you can see an amgry tiny griffin ties in ropes, and injured. "Your shield possesses the Diamond Griffin. Also known as Diam."

"Diam?" I ask. "Yeah. Beleive it or not, this griffin was summond by my mother. So... since it was summond by my mother, my family and xyr have a good relatiomship with each other. But xe's angry at being caged in the shield." Isma explains. Then the griffin diappears and all you see is the seal.

Isma hands me back my shield. "You should take that to Lucinda, I'll come with you." She smiles. I shake my head, "But we need to get Isolde ba--"

"Ap, bup, bup!" Isma cuts me off. "Getting the griffin out is more important right now." She says.

"Why?" I ask. "Because. One side of the forest is now accessable. Since it is, villagers won't get lost." Isma says. "That's the reason why I let that fairy guide you." Isma explains.

"So we were going through the sacred forest?" I ask. Isma nods, "Sure were! It's the quickest way to Schorca!" She says and stands up. "So. Where are we going now?" I ask.

"To my mothers place. If we're lucky she'll have summoned my father's ghost form and we'll be able to see him!" Isma says, excitement in her voice.

We walk outside, and Isma summons a red staff with a red flame in the center of the ring. She looks around, "Come on Snake-Eyes!" She yells into the house. The black-and-white cat, which is really just a kitten, jumps up onto Isma's shoulder.

Isma smiles as the kitten is perched on her shoulder, it's using it's claws to hold on.

Now I know why Isma has a shoulder pad over her shoulder.

We follow Isma into the forest and the trail disappears. We keep walking, and Isma stats to hum to an old tune that she knows. "Hmm hm hmm hm hmm hm hmm hm hm hm hm!" She hums. (Hum the See You Again song)

We come to a large house, it reaches for the sky. It has small lanterns hanging from it, and Familiars surround the front of the house. About only four of them though.

A white snowy owl swoops down from a window at the top of the house and to Isma. "Hello Bigglesworth." She smiles. Bigglesworth hoots, and looks at Snake-Eyes. The kitten licks the owl's beak and the owl, Bigglesworth, flies back up tp the top of the house.

Soon a woman with orange hair and pale crimson eyes appears. She's wearing a white dress and is holding a white staff with a yellow ball of light in the ring. She's graying at the temples, but otherwise she looks quite young. Then I see a image of a man by her side, though he's slightly see through.

He has white to silver hair and emerald green eyes. He's wearing fingerless gloves, a jacket, navy pants, and a white shirt.

Isma smiles at the two of them. "Mom! You managed to summon dad?" Isma asks and walks over to them. The woman hugs Isma and Isma's kitten immediatly jumps down.

The woman nods, "Yes." She says.

"Hey Isma. Who are your friends?" The ghost man asks. "Oh! Uh... that's Griffin-" -She nodded to me- "And that's Nikki" She nods to Nikki.

The woman looks at the two of us then looks at the man. "Isma. Do you think you can summon the rest of the descendants?" She asks.

"What do you mean?" Isma asks.

"We need to talk to them." Lucinda says, stressing the we.

"That'll take several days an--"

"Don't talk back to your mother Isma." The man says. Isma nods and runs inside the large house.

I look around in confusion, "What's going on?"

Nikki shrugs, I look back at the woman. "A-are you Lucinda...?" I ask.

The woman nods, "And that jerk is Travis." She giggles and points to the man. Travis glares at Lucinda, "I am not a jerk!" He says. "I'm a perv." He corrects. "Huge difference." He says.

I chuckle, and I can hear Nikki giggle beside me.

Angelica's POV

It was that night. I was sleeping but when I woke up, Kai and Vuk were missing. So were all the wyverns.

But there were more of us.

Some of them I didn't even know.

There was a girl with red hair, and there was a guy with purple hair and he was a meif'wa with black ears.

There was another guy, he had red hair and was wearing gloves around his hands, they were tied at his mid arm (before the elbow) for some reason.

How did all these people get here?

Everyone around me was waking up, it took them all a moment. But eventually they all gasped in shock.

I turned and glared at Isolde.

She must have something to do with this.

Her ears perked and she grabbed Adam's hand and tugged him awake. He grumbled and looked at her with a glare. She stood up, and pulled him up with her. "What is it?" He asked. Isolde tugged him over to the trees and pointed to something pink floatong towards us. Isolde looked at Adam. "Got any sugarcubes in your hood?" She asks.

Sugarcubes? Hood? Pink floating object? What?

I walked over to them as Adam handed Izzy a sugarcube. The pink floating thing got closer, and Izzy placed the sugarcube on her open palm, she held it out flat.

Then I realized what was floatong towards us as it sat down and grabbed the sugarcube on Izzy's hand.

It was a fairy.

It made a small tingling sound, and stood up on Izzy's palm.

"Guys come on! This guide fairy is trying to take us somewhere!" She calls behind her. Everyone dashes up and we all follow her.

My only question is how she knew that it was a guide fairy.

Kai. Where are you when we need directions?

GriffinBlazeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz