The amazing spiderman

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Peter pov:
As I swing from building to building, I heard a scream in the distance. I raced towards it to find a group of men harassing a girl.

"Now that's no way to treat a women" I chuckled.

"Oh shit it's spiderman!" One man yelled. Another man grabbed the girl and aimed a gun to her head.

"Woah! Come on man. No one has to get hurt" I said. Just then a man panicked and took off running. While the guy with gun was distracted. I quickly web shot the gun from his hand.

"Fuck this! Let's get out of here" they pushed the girl and took off running.

"Oh thank you spiderman. How can I ever repay you" she said as she hugged me.

Before I could even answer I heard someone on the roof top.

"How about you get your hands off my spider"

She looked confused at Wade who was making his way down a pipe like a striper cross with a firefighter.

"Wa- I mean dude. Not now" I sighed.

"um....I should be going" the girl said has she slowly backs up with a fake smile. Wade waves at her then hugs me from behind.

"Wade! We can't be together"

"Why not. You have two dads."

"Um...I'm straight" I lied I was in love with wade, but I'm scared he's just playing with my feelings.

"So is spaghetti till its wet" Wade said winking.

My face turn red and I laughed. I love his smart ass remarks. He grabbed me into his arms and kissed my forehead. I love how he's taller then me, makes me feel small and weak. Like he's a warm tall blanket I'm wrapped up in on a cold winter night. I snapped and push him away.

"I have to get home. Iron dad will kick my butt." I said as I ran off home.

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