Black Hole Sun

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I run out of Tony's lab and smash thru one of the windows in his room. I land on the ground on my knee all super hero pose, which in case you want to do that DON'T! it hurt. See all these super hero movies give you what you want (but I mean do they really cause you guys want me and spider daddy to be together but nah it a family movie).

I finally made it to the city. Yet with no leads to where our spiderman is I take to Twitter. In less than a minute I already found people asking about spiderman's costume change. I headed to the location. Mid way over there im the corner of my eyes I see... A car?! The car landed on top of me crushing only but a few ribs and my arms. (Don't try catching a car mid air not fun!)

"God I wanted a car but not a '99 Taurus" I said pushing the car off me.

"Man Wade you look like shit. I mean you literally look like a pile shit" cackle a deep voice from behind.

"Eddie, just the dip alien shit I wanted see. So when are you going to stop going after high school boys?" I said as I pointed my gun towards him. I shot the bullet headed straight between his eyes. As the bullet was about to hit a black stringy shield catches it.

"I can say the same to you Wade. Your not that much younger then me ,yet you're a hell of a lot older then Peter. Don't worry I'll fuck him good for you." He chuckled.

Ok I hate this guy! I start shooting rounds at him and reloading me guns without a pause. He starts walking slowing towards me. I of course run out if bullets (being realistic here) ,so I break out my swords. As I'm slashing at him he forms his arms into two blades to block my blows. Since he's using all the black shit is forcing on protecting his upper body that means his lower half has a weaker layer. Quick thinking I head-butt him a sharp cracking noise comes from our heads. He loses his balance and stumbles back as he does I quickly double blade slice his knee caps. He lets out a shriek as blood steams out from his legs. He falls to his legs breathing heavily. I walk over to him and places my sword over his hanging head.

" Any last words".

"Couldn't pick a better line. You're a basic Bitch." He tried getting up. I pull out my gun and shoot his legs but the bullet bounce off. I then pull my sword up as a soft thud hits the floor and blood sprays outwards. I stay silent as the world seems to have stop. There was no noise in the city ,as I step back and sit down on the floor. Eddie's bodyless head stares at me.

"Sorry bud but I gotta do what I gotta do to protect him." I say as I get up. I pick up his head as little black tentacle try to reattach it to his body.
I start walking off then all of a sudden Eddie's head vanishes from my hands.

"What the fu-," I turn around looking around.

"Ill take this back.....daddy."

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