Father- in- law

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Wade's prov.

"where is Peter?" as I flop onto Peter's bed.

"Good even master Wade", said Jarvis. "yes hello Wade. Oh I'm sorry is the front door broken?" Tony ask as he drinks his coffee entering the room.

"It looked ok to me Tony"

"Ok so then next time come through the front door, not the front window."

"Yes sir father-in-law sir!" I chuckled. "so where is our little web slinging spider boy?"

" Don't know, you tell me. Jarvis said he was going to meet a friend , so I assumed he meant you."

I look around and under the pillows. I run into the restroom and look under the bed. Tony just watches me walk around the room with his sassy little Tony face.

"Nope! No peter here Pops" I shrugged. "Don't you have a tracking device on this kid. Haha! You look like that type of crazy parent."

"sigh. Follow me. We're going to my lab. Don't touch anything you break it you pay, and don't call me Pops" Tony says as I follow down the hall. We enter into their bedroom. Its about 3x bigger then Peter's room and about 10x bigger then the piece of shit I call home. 

"So this is where all the magic happens." I laughed. Yet as always Tony wasn't having it just looked at me with a blank face. He opened a door with looked like a closet. Tony then put his right thumb on a finger print scanner. "Welcome back ,sir" Jarvis said. a door opened which entered into his lab.

"Wow! I guess you do like spending time in the closet still. (<see what I did there) This place is like that Bat cave but the Iron closet." I said looking at all the different Iron man suits he has. Man, this old man needs a life.

"Bat cave? what the hell are you talking about. Are you saying my lab is old? I have you know this lab has the latest tech there is out there" Tony shouts as he swishes through his floating touch screen this he has. 

"You know  Batman has the bat cave , you have the Iron- oh wait, sorry wrong universe." I say has I walk on over to where Tony is.

Tony pulls up a map of the city. There's  about twenty  little lights all over the map. three of those dots were here at the house and the rest were somewhere else. "What are these dots Daddy-o?" I ask.

"The Avengers. We all have tracking devices located in one of our  molars. You just in case one of us goes missing or we die and someone can find out bodies. " He laughs.

I zoom in on the house. "Ah..next joke please. Oh well there is three dots here at the house and if I have to guess the two next to each are Steve and Peter. right?" Tony then taps on the dots and names pop up.

"Sadly, no its actually Steve and Bucky in the gym." Tony sighs as he zooms out tapping at the other dots around the city.

"Oh! Cap and the Winter soldier wouldn't they make a yummy fan fiction. Um I think that's a yes! Who do you think will be the catcher?"

"Shut up Wade don't give them any ideas. Plus Steve is the catcher." Tony smiles. Tony then clicks on the dots moving towards the city. "Where are you going Peter?" the Peter's dot moves across the map zig-zag back and forth.

"What is he doing?" I asked. Tony looked puzzled "Let me see if I can see him throw the traffic cams." Tony said as he pulled up video feed. The video shows a black blur in the corner of one of the video. 

"Black? Maybe there's someone following him?" I said. I click on the other camera waiting for him to come into view. As the black figure came into view I screen shot the image. Tony then zoomed into the picture.

"It's a black Spider-Man" he said confused.

"Is it Peter tho?"

"hmm a black Spider-Man , it could be Venom. Yet the tracker belongs to Peter so it has to be him."

"Venom... I'm going to to check it out. whoever it is I'm not going to let them hurt my baby." I said as I start walking out the lab.

"Um you mean my baby. Bring my son back safely Wade ,or I'll cut your dick off!"

"Ha! jokes on you cause it will just grow back. Later pops!"

" Yea but for a day or two it will be a baby dick! Your healing powers aren't as fast as Logan's." Tony chuckled.

Ha stupid old man. I'll bring back your son. I know you're just as scared as I am.

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