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I try to hold my body to look up, to see Iron man softly landing next to us. I let myself fall into my stomach heavily breathing. Tony walked over to Peter putting metal cuffs on his hands and legs. His helmet opened up as he sighs .I hear heavy foot step run towards us I pick up my head. Steve runs over to us and jumps in stock at the sight of my half torn up body.

"Oh God! Wade are you ok?", he says gagging and covering his mouth.

"Well hello Mr. Rogers. Yea I am peachy", I say holding up a "ok" hand sign. Tony walks over to me , flips me over and picks me up by my arms.

"Steve get the kid. I'll get Wade don't want your suit to get bloody. Oh do you need those?", he says pointing towards my legs.

"Huuuh nah. I'll just grow baby legs its will take a couple of days."

He shrugged and turned to Steve who was holding Peter. He smiled and closed his helmet back up and jets off. I look down to seeing my guts just flying in the wind as I try to gather them up and hold them in with my hand.

We finally get to their house and into Tony's lab. I get an automatic wheel chair (little Charles Xavier action going on we are both bald ) and zoom my way in the lab. Tony is at his table studying a diagram of Peter's blood. They have Peter laying on a bed cased in a glass like tube. He's asleep but the screen in the glass showings his vitals saying that he's fine. Yet there's a huge warning sign saying unknown virus. I look up at Steve who has puffy red eyes , obviously hes been crying.

" he ok", I asked in a soft voice.

"Oh Wade I didn't see you there. He's doing ok I think, Tony has him under some sleeping gas. How are you healing?"

I removed the blanket revealing my baby leg wiggling my little toes and giggle. Steve just a faint smile and places his hand on my chest. He kneels down to my level.

"No matter what people saying about you Wade. If Peter could love anyone, I'm glad it's you. You could have easily hurt him but you literally let him tear you down instead just to save him." He said as his eyes got watery. I place my hand over his I smiled and nod. He got stood up as Tony walked who stood behind my chair.

"Well I did some research. Eddie and symbiote have separated before. Honestly it kind of an easy process but it can be tricky ,because if we aren't quick he'll just go back." He said looking down at me.

"Well Dr. Stark what is it?"

"Tony will it hurt Peter?", panicked Steve asked.

"Its using sound waves as far as it goes to hurting him I'm totally unsure, symbiote will fight back so I'm pretty sure he'll feel some discomfort."

I looked up at Steve who as softly nodding in thought while he bit his nails. Then looked at Peter laying there asleep. I focus on him the way he breathing, the way his chest raises and falls. His softly blushed lips underneath the gas mask. How soft he looks, I just want to run my fingers all over his body.


I jumped back out of my daze and look back at Steve and Tony. They both stared back.

"Yea let's try", I said looking back at Peter placing my hand over the glass.

"Ok well I'll get some high pitch sound waves ready. I can set it the tube to a strong negative pressure chamber. So whatever comes out will be sucked up into a ventilation and separated from the body." Tony explained as he walked to his desk. Steve followed him and watched over him from behind places his arms around Tony's waist.

"How do we get Peter out?", I asked.

"We'll open it and that's where we have to be fast. Ready?", Tony said walking over to me. He pushed a few buttons on the screen and turned the negative pressure mode which sounded like a vacuum. He then gave me and Steve some ear plugs.

"Wade as soon as I give you the thumbs up I'm going to open the end of this tube you pull him out as fast as you can.", Tony screamed over the sound of the vacuum. I nodded as I rolled to the foot of the tube.

"Ok Steve turn on the sound waves."

Steve nodded took a deep breath and pushed the button releasing loud and long beeps. I could barely hear them but Peter body start twitching and shaking. Tony gave a hand signal to Steve to turn it up. Then I could hear it then. Peter's eyes popped open his body arched and shook. He started banging on the glass toward Tony. Tony again told Steve to higher it up. The sound pierced through the ear buds. Steve and Tony cover their ears but I could miss my chance to save Peter.

Peter was screaming I couldn't hear him over the sound but I can see the veins in his neck popping out. Black liquid began to seep out from his eyes and nose. I looked at Tony who was looking at it being sucked up into the ventilation chamber. Peter continued to twitch and bang on the glass cracking it causing his hand to bleed. His back arched to were he was almost bent in half and stopped. We all stared in worry. Then black liquid gushed out of his mouth and was sucked up. I looked at Tony who slammed on the screen and mouthed the words "now". The foot of the tube opened I grabbed onto Peter's legs and pulled him out. Symbiote tried to reattach himself but I had closed the tube before he even realized Peter's body was gone.

I held on the Peter's body. Steve turned off the sound and ran over to me and dropped down to his knees and hugged us. Tony still at the tube removed the chamber holding symbiote and dropped into a metal box.

"What are you gonna do with him?" I asked.

"Freeze him. Right now hes weak like all viruses they need a host without a host a virus is vulnerable. That's why hospitals are so cold to stop the spread of viruses and sicknesses." Tony said as he walked over to us and ran his fingers through Peter's hair. Steve got up and hugged Tony and kissed his forehead.

"Wade..", a soft voice said. I looked down and Peter began to move.

"Let's get him to his bed. He needs to rest", Steve said as he picked him up and walked him out the lab. I followed him into Peter's room were Steve already laid him down.

"I'll watch over him", I said driving the wheelchair next to him. Steve smiled and placed his hand on my shoulder and walked out.

"Wade...", Peter said in a soft voice again.

"I'm here baby boy. I'm here", I said as a hold on to his warm hand. He softly closes his fingers.

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