Mary Jane

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I finally got to school after I begged Wade not to follow me. I was quiet at school some with say nerdy. I guess I'm more talkative as spiderman since my face is covered by a mask. I hate school only 2 more months of this shit.

"Hey Peter." Says my best friend the cute red head Mary Jane.

"Hey MJ. good morning. You look awfully happy."

"We're seniors, Peter. Only 2 more months and we're out of here. What college are you going to, probably some rich university cause your dads are Iron Man and captain America."

"I don't know. I haven't really thought about it."

"Kinda late for that. Oh while you can start whenever you want. Hey give me a piggyback ride." MJ says has she stands on a bunch. I roll my eyes and laugh. I faced my back to her as she gets on.

"Hey you have muscle. When did you get those." She says poking my back.

"I've had them. I've been working out after school."

"Wow do you do super hero work outs. I'm jealous I wanna look like that sexy red head chick in the tight black suit. Tell your dads to adopt me."

"Hahaha one no I couldn't stand giving you piggy back rides everywhere. Two she's a bitch. Let's get to class.


School was finally over thank god. MJ and I had a project to do and it can't be avoided it counts as a semester grade. I texted Tony to tell Wade to leave, he didn't leave in the morning I'm pretty sure didn't leave at all. MJ was excited to meet me dads, she's been over and all. At the time my dads were busy. We got to the front door of my house.

"Welcome sir, the dope ass fresh prince is still here." Jarvis says before we go in.

"Who?" I said confused.

"Who's that?! Who said that Peter!?" MJ screams and hides behind me.

"Wade sir, and my name is Jarvis Miss I believe Peter thought that it would frightening to you the first time to have heard a talking house."

"Shit.." I open the door as Mj is talk to Jarvis. I stepped in quietly so I can see where Wade is before he notices me.

"Tony I got him!" Steve screams has he's holding Wade on the ground.

"Good be careful Steve. I got rope if we tie him up before Peter and his friend come home we act like nothing happened." Tony rushes over to steve.

"Dad....I'm home" I says looking at them in the door way.

"Peter! Got off me Steve!" Wade says as he easily pushes Steve off , and runs to hug me.

"Peter you neve told me you had a brother." MJ said from behind me.

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