When it Rains

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[Writer's note: hey guys sorry I was away I've been working alot and I'm working on a new story and keeping up with this one. So please bare with me]

I end up getting sick. It seemed like it rained everyday I stopped going to school. MJ has texted me a few times but I would just ignore it. The only person I wanna talk to is Wade. The sounds of the tree branches hitting the window wakes me at night. I keep hoping it was Wade trying to get into my room. For days I would just sit there in my bed , in my room alone. I could hear my dads talking about me in their room.

"Tony I'm worried about Peter. He hasn't been going to school it's been a week now and he still has the flu. He refuses to take the medicine we try giving him."

"I know but he's hurt babe. I'll try to see if I can talk to him tomorrow. Just give him some time."

"Should we just try to find Wade and talk to him. Tell him how hurt Peter is."

"No its best if we don't. We can't force Wade he's a grown man he knows what he wants. This is just a teenage heart break. Let's go to sleep."

"Ok good night I love you Tony"

"I love you too"

Just then I got a text from my dad.

Tony:I love you Peter. Please don't ruin your life over a guy.

Me: I love you too

Wade wasn't just some guy. He was my first everything. How can I just forget about him? How can I stop hopping he'd come back? I wish this was a dream all I feel is the knots in my throat . I wanna cry but there's no more tears left. I just want to sleep and never wake up but even in sleep I still dream of him.

I couldn't sleep. The rain fell harder and thunder crashed in the distance. I need Wade , even if it kills me to find him. At least in death I won't feel this pain. I put on my spider suit and jumped out the window. I headed to the city. The rain was cold it felt like needles hitting my skin.

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