Cats Out of the Bag

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Wade looked at MJ with a ugly mug. He pushed me away roughly. It kind of hurt, not physically hurt me but emotionally hurt. Was he disappointed that she said "brother" not "boyfriend" or was he mad that I brought a girl over?

"Who's this Peter?" Wade said very seriously.

"Wade this is my best friend Mary Jane"

"Hello it's nice to meet you, Wade are you a super hero too" she said with her hand out for Wade to shake her hand. He just looked at her hand then at me. He said nothing while he walked away.

"Oooooh ok. He's very serious. He must be your older brother." She said smiling. I can see why he's mad I never told her about him, that and she's beautiful.

"we don't have another son" Tony said. I forgot my dads were there.

"Oh so who is he?" She looked at me.

"Ummm well he's friend" I said nervously.

I saw the disappointment in my dads' eyes. They knew I was ashamed of being gay, MJ doesn't know Wade is my boyfriend. Should I just tell her? No not now it's too much for her...or more like too much for me.

"We got a project to do for school we'll be in my room." I said has we walked up the stairs. I heard them sigh and say something under their breath.

When we got to my room Wade was laying on my bed. He was facing the wall with the blanket covering everything but his face. MJ looked at Wade then at me.

"Is he ok?" She whispers.

"Yea he's just tired. Like always" I said.

Wade quickly tossed the blanket off and sat up. He looked at us but mostly me. His blue eyes pierced my soul. He's never gave me this look, like if he was hurt and pissed at the same time.

"You're ashamed of me aren't you?" He said.

"Wade not now. This isn't the time"

"Not now really Peter?! So when is it the time huh? When you're little girlfriend is gone?!" He yells looking at me. His body grows red and he shakes as if he's trying so hard to hold back something.

"Girlfriend? I'm just his frien-"

"Was I talking to you" Wade snaps.

"Hey leave her along!" I stand in front of her.

"Fine! I'll leave you alone. That's what you want Peter. You wanna be normal well you're not. You're a punk ass kid who likes boys and shoots weds for a living. There's nothing normal about you. Face it you're a freak just like me." He storms off and jumps out the window. I stand there in shock.

"'re gay?" MJ says quietly.

"Wade was my boyfriend....and I'm spiderman. I'm sorry I never told you, I just didn't know how."

"Peter I've always knew you were spiderman. I just wanted you to tell me yourself, but I guess you don't trust me like that."

"I guess I really messed up this time. I just wanted to be normal. I was so scared, kids look up to me. How can spiderman be gay MJ?"

"Why not? You have two dads Peter. No one looks at them differently. So maybe there a kid out there confused about their sexuality. They have someone else to look up too. Don't be ashamed of who you were meant to be."

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