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I make it to school by 9. Not too bad I walked throw the empty halls to class. Trying  to work out in my head what to say to MJ ,or if I should  even tell her about me and Wade. I not even going to say anything  about that Eddie guy. I stood at the door of the classroom ,took a deep breath before I entered. The whole class looked at me as I walked in the teacher even stopped the lesson.

"Peter, how nice of you to join us today. Welcome  back, please  have a seat." The teacher said.

I walked over to my seat next to MJ who has been making eye contact since I entered the room.

"Peter,where the hell have you been." She said as I sat down.

"Things happened. Long story." I said had a opened my book.

"Between  you and Wade.... was it me. Caus-"

"No it wasn't you. It was me... I messed up."

"So what happened. Peter I was worried , you never answered my calls or my text."

"I'm sorry. I just wanted to be alone. Plus I kinda had the flu."

"How did you get the flu?"

"I'm nevermind that. I can't find Wade."

"Can't find him? Well  have you asked around? Your dads are super heros,  don't they got tracking devices or something ?"

I never thought of that. That would have been so much easier then waiting around like a dumbass for him. Even better then looking for him and getting  caught in the rain.

"Oh yea. Haha I didn't think of that." I laughed.

"Sometimes it amazes me how clueless you are Peter Parker. Do you know how much easier lurking  on guys would be if every girl had access to stuff like that? I tell ya whole lot easier then lurking around on his Facebook page."

"I wish it was as easy as looking at his Facebook page. I seriously  doubt he-"

"He has one." MJ says holding  her phone to my face. He has a Facebook page? My heart dropped just by seeing his picture. I grab her phone and start reading threw his timeline to see if he's been active. I check on his pictures.

"Peter before you go threw his pictures. Just know you're  about to go on what might be a sad road of ex- girlfriends. Who might be prettier then you." MJ states before  uncovering  the screen.

I just want to see him. I miss him. My heart is racing after every picture I see of him. I can't help to smile at the goofy pictures of him but also have a knot in my throat. I wanna cry. I wanna talk to him.

"Try messaging  him. You know maybe he'll reply." MJ says looking at me.

I push the messager icon. The little green active dot is by his name. He's online. What should I say? Doing I write how sorry I am or how stupid I was?

Types: I misses you_
I push send. I place the phone down and close the screen. I'm so scared. What if he reads it but doesn't reply.

The phones vibrates.  I quickly open the phone. He replied! He actually replied back!

Wade: how can you miss me if we only met once? Does Peter know about this?

What? I'm so confused. I showed the messages to MJ. She grabs the phone and reads the messages. Then she chuckles a little.

"Silly you on my Facebook which is log on to my messager ,so you're coming out as me." She hands me back the phone.

Types: oh sorry it's me Peter. I'm using  MJ's phone.... I didn't think you would reply to me if it was on my account. Look I'm sorry. Please can we talk.

Wade: . . .

He's typing ,well at least hes replying back knowing it's me.

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