Everything But The Rain

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   He passionately kisses me. His lips almost remind me of Wade's. I quickly snapped and pushed him away. His eyes widen.

"What the hell. I'm leaving thank you for everything but.."

"Sorry...I shouldn't have done that. It's just, how could I resist the man behind the mask? I instantly fell for you Peter." He said looking at me with his blue eyes.

   How can I look away from him he's beautiful. Yet his pass isn't, he was a monster. Yet what better am I sure I'm the amazing spiderman but I hurt people too. I hurt my dads, my friends,  and Wade. I was so ashamed of who I am that I just ended up alone in the long run.

"Look your handsome. I'm sure someone else could make you happier then I could. I'm just a stupid boy who doesn't know what he wants." I said as I slowly open the door.

"I want you Peter" He said while he shuts the door. He turns me around.

"Give me a chance. At least let me take you out on a date. Let's make a deal , ok. So I take you on a date and you don't have any fun at all I'll leave you alone."

"......fine, deal. But no kissing" I said blushing a little. His face lit up ,with a soft blush to his face.

"How about Saturday since you go to school and all. I'll pick you up around 6pm."

"No picking me up. I-I'll meet you wherever.  My dads can't know about this."

"Oh sure, right. Well here let me give you my number." He said as he looked around the apartment for a pen and paper.

I looked at the time on the clock on the wall. 8:30 I think if I go home and change I'll make it to school late , but at least go to school,  I haven't gone all week. MJ has probably texted and called me already.

"Here you go" Eddie said handing me a piece of paper.

"Thanks. I'll text you when I get my phone I have to hurry I don't want to be too late" I said as I headed out the door. I then realized how is this going to look spiderman walking out the door of someone's apartment. 

"Um...I'm going to jump out your window. You don't mind do you. I'm not sure how it would look me just walking out of your apartment."

"Sure go ahead. I was just about to take a shower and, get ready for work." He said with a smile ,as he took off his shirt. His body with covered in scars. He caught me staring and winked at me.

"Do you wanna join me."

"No I should be leaving...bye" I said as I jumped out his window.

I swang from web to web throw the city. The sun made the water left over from the storm last night , very humid. I got to my house I entered my room throw the window. Ran to the shower while undressing myself. Took a shower as fast as I could and got dressed. I ran down the staircase to the kitchen , where my dads were sitting eating breakfast and watching the news.

"Well look who decided to get up and go to school" Tony said.

"Peter are you hungry. Do you want me to pack it so you can eat in the car?"Steve asked as he starts going throw the kitchen for a bag.

"Yes, please" I said as I slip on my shoes.

Tony looks at me while he slowly drinks his coffee. I feel his eyes on me like he knows something.  I look at him , while he's making a squinting eye face.

"Yes dad" I asked.

"Oh nothing, just looking at my son." He said as he starts reading the new paper which covers his whole face.

"Ok if you say so. Well im off to school." I said as I grabbed the bag from Steve.

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