The Jar of Fingers

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I slowly opened eye has my dad came in my room.

"Good morning Peter. Breakfast is ready, hurry up and get dressed so you won't be late for school." Steve said as he pets my head. I smile and close my eyes again and then I just realized. Where is Wade? I got up and looked around the room.

"Are you ok Peter" Steve says to me.

"Um.....yea. sorry I just thought... it's nothing dad" I fake smiled.

He smiled and walked out the door. I guess he left. I should have known, imagine if we did. A one night stand, he'd be out before I woke up. I got dressed and headed down stairs. My dads were in the kitchen eating breakfast.

"Morning" I said as I grad a plate of food and begin eating.

"So Peter, Jarvis said we had a visitor last night." Tony said.

"Oh really was someone trying to break in haha" shit they know.

"Yea sometimes like that. I put the guy in the basement. Cut off a finger or two. Do you wanna see." Tony said putting a jar with 3 fingers on the table.

"Tony get that off the table"

The fingers had burn scars on them. That means those were Wade's. I looked at dad with fear. He actually has Wade. He's hurt, how could dad do this. I began to get watery eyes.

"Hahaha don't cry now, Peter." Tony says laughing.

"Tony stop playing with him like that. You made him cry. Wade come out here now."

"What?" I said as wipped my tears.

"awww Spidey baby I'm ok, see" Wade pops out from the hall.

"B-but how. The fingers." I said looking at Wade confused.

"Those are my real fingers, but they'll grow back. They might take time, I'm no wolverine." Wade said wiggles his little tiny fingers.

"I saw Wade trying to jump out of your window, not realizing I was outside getting the news paper. " Tony said shaking the jar of fingers.

"that's gross dad, and you're not mad. You're not going to kill him."

"You can't really kill him dear, and he was pretty mad but I calmed him down." Steve said taking the jar away from Tony.

"It's all good" Wade says hugging me from behind.

I was really scared. I didn't want to lose Wade. I couldn't lose him. Am I really that into him, so fast. How could I like this dorky asshole so much.

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