Goodbye Peter

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I started feeling bad for what I said to Wade. Why was I so scared of what MJ would think? Why am I so scared to show Wade I'm slowly falling madly in love with him? I felt so sick like I wanted to throw up. I'm so selfish.

"Peter...I'm you're best friend so I'm going to be honest with you dude. You're kind of a dick"

"I know...." I said looking down.

"Hey...I'm going to go. Don't worry I got the project covered. Maybe you should go say sorry to your dads and Wade" she says while rubbed my head.

I walk her to the door and as she left my dad popped up.

"I like her. She's smart."

"Dad, look I'm so sorry I wasn't ashamed of you I was just scared"

"Peter, it's fine. Honestly I wasn't so excited about telling people about my dad , but anyways Wade should be the one you should be saying sorry to."

He was right , I was a jerk. I'm going to find him and tell him how I feel. So I ran up to my room put on my spider suit. I looked out the window thinking where he must be. Rain begin to fall.

"Wade..." I whisper to myself.

I searched the city. Every bar, every taco stand and no Wade. I started to give up and the rain slowly started stop. I took off my mask and looked up at the sky. The rain that fell on my face mixed with tears I sheaded.

"Wade! Where the fuck are you!" I cried.

"What pleasure do I owe the amazing spiderman to be looking for me." Wade steps out from behind an air event.

"Wade!" I stood up wiping my tears.

"You're going to get sick Peter.....go home" as he starts walking away.

"What?! No Wade I've looking all over for you. I wann-"

"You wanna say sorry?.... well sorry spiderboy. I wanna talk to a man who knows what he wants not some pussy ass kid who's scared of what his little friend thinks about him"

I felt my heart dropped , light headed. I looked at Wade , wishing he'd turn to look at me. Wanting to see his beautiful eyes just once. Tears roll down my face uncontrollably.

"Goodbye Peter...." He said as he disappears into the night.

I wanna say stop but I couldn't find the voice inside me to. I wanted to go after him but my body won't move. I drop down to my knees and begin to cry till my stomach hurt. It's all my fault. I lost the person I true loved.

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