Chapter 13

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I ran over to Stiles' house to see if he was willing to tell me what coach told him. After he threw me I knew they were talking about Meta's but my ears were ringing to bad to understand. My best guess is Coach might be meta but I'm not sure. The first time I heard about Meta's was the same week I got told Stiles had fell into a coma. Apparently a mutated storm man had attacked the city he was in. Scary but I feel our team could have taken him. Thank god they had some Meta named Vibe to save them. I'd be cool to have one of those in Beacon Hills, a Meta.
I got to Stiles' house and knocked on the door as hard as I could without breaking it.
No answer.
Huh, I could of sworn he said he'd be at his house or could his statement been alternated by the ringing. Maybe he just hasn't got here yet. I'm sure he'll be here momentarily, I'm just going to jump up to the second floor and crawl through his window. He won't mind if I wait for him to get there. Hopefully he also won't mind if I get that sandwich out the fridge.
I jumped up and went through the window to see his room was all scattered like a wind had blown through. Damn, he needs to clean up this crap! I'll do it for him.
.....and...done! Now time to raid his fridge! I rushed downstairs and into the kitchen to see there was a fresh sandwich sitting out on the table, still cold. The hell? How did this get here, no ones home?
Well someone just got here! I'm going to hide and scare whoever it is cause I can. Fight me.
I hid beside the door and waited for it to open only to get something besides a good laugh.

Once we arrived at my house I helped them unload all their stuff out the car and onto the porch all in a second.
"Stiles that's showing off a bit but still cool." Barry laughed putting his bag over his shoulder. Cisco scoffed and slammed the door.
"Gees Cisco what was that for?"I asked walking up to the door. I turned around to see Barry suddenly had a box of glazed doughnuts from Krispy Cream. What the hell?
"What? Where did those-" I looked at him for a second them realized... "You're a speedster too!?" He nodded with a smile.
"Not as fast but quick enough to go Mach 1. I absorbed some of that electricity when I touched your body the night of the explosion. I didn't tell these guys about it till after they told me you were a speedster. By the way, did they tell you how fast you might be able to run?" I shook my head. This is the first I've heard of anything about my speed rate.
"How fast?" I queried.
"At least Mach 5." Cisco giggled excitedly. Wow that's really fast.
"Wow, that's so cool! So does this mean we are like superheroes? If so what's our hero names?" I asked as I opened the door.
"Barry's call the flash and you... You are Accelerate." I nodded.
"Catchy. Id give you a superhero name but you already have one...Vibe."I said with a smirk.  They all looked at me with shock and surprise that I knew it was Cisco but it's not hard.
"What? Not hard to figure out. Long, black hair with a nerdy get up. Also if Vibe is a hero he would most likely work with Star labs so my money's on the guy with the superhero outfit in his suitcase." I gleamed the walked all the way into the house. I looked back to the direction I was walking and froze when I saw Scott standing there with a frown.
"Shit." We all said in unison. We were right too. This is very, very bad.

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