I Will Find You

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When I woke from a less then pleasant dream warmth enveloped my body. Theo's strong arms were around my waist and his head resting above mine. The steady pace of his breathing suggested that he was still asleep. Honestly he needed the sleep. When I saw him yesterday he looked like hell.

I twisted my body around so I was looking at his face. Already the bags under his eyes were fading. Actually they were almost gone. It was amazing what eight hours of sleep did to a person. Already he looked more relaxed and rested then he did yesterday. Suddenly his eyes squinted like he was having a bad dream.

I reached my hand up and brushed the side of his face. As if he already knew who it was Theo opened his eyes. "Good morning." I told him with a small smile. Theo placed a light kiss on my lips that I wasn't ready for. "You have no idea how many times I kissed you hoping you would wake up like some Snow freaking White." That comment just resulted in a small laugh from me.

Once the doctors came in he got off my bed and let them poke around me. "Well, you can take her home Alpha. Be aware Luna there will be times when you are quite dizzy." I nodded like I understood them. Once they left Theo handed me a bag with some clothes in it. "Don't worry, I didn't go to far into the back of the closest." He said with a wink that only meant one thing.

He had seen my dance clothes.

I took the bag and went into the small bathroom to change. Just from looking in the mirror I saw the difference. My skin was paler and my hair was in knots. I was also thinner then I was. Which is saying something because I wasn't that meaty to begin with. Theo had grabbed me a gray tank top with a bit of lace on top and on bottom, a pair of black leggings, some undergarments, and a pair of black flats.

After fifteen minutes of brushing out my hair and French braiding it I went back to Theo. "Even I don't take that long to get ready." He said with a smirk. "Well when you have hair that is in a bunch of knots it takes a while to get them out." At that he laughed. "I get it."

He came over by me and put his arm around my waist and I put mine around his. As we walked out of the hospital I started getting dizzy. It passed as soon as it came. Once Theo helped me into the car he got in and started driving. Only he started driving in the opposite direction of the pack house.

"Where are we going?" Theo just flashed me a quick smile. "You and I are going to have a picnic. This is one of the last nice days before it gets cold. I want to take advantage of that." He did have a point. The sun was completely out with no cloud to be seen.

About an hour's drive from the pack was a lake. It was a pure crystal blue with light little waves. Theo offered me his hand and I took it. In the other hand he had a basket and a blanket. Once we reached a spot he laid the blanket out and we sat down.

Out of the basket he pulled out some fruit, sandwiches, soda, and cookies. Like actual hand baked cookies. Chocolate chip ones no less. "Did you make the cookies?" He offered me a smile. "Abbie, I might be a good cook but I am one hell of a baker." I laughed a bit. "Who would have thought an Alpha such as you could bake." I teased as I ate a grape.

"I'm full of surprises my dear Luna." He said as he caressed my cheek. A surge of confidence rushed through me and I placed a kiss on his lips. His lips had a sense of urgency as they moved against mine. Three weeks was too long.

The kiss seamed to last forever, but also too short at the same time as the sound of gun shots forced us apart. Theo automatically stood up and pushed me behind him as he faced where the sound had come from.

Out of the trees emerged five people. They were in jeans and light jackets but could easily move. The guns they held were ones that hunters carried. "Leave now. We have no business with you. We can all give our separate ways in peace." Say what you want about the whole werewolf hunter thing, but we never attack them unless it is in self-defense.

"If you scum hadn't killed our people we wouldn't be here now would we." Okay, yes werewolf's killed people but it was mostly rouges. One of the men charged at us and Theo blocked him with ease. He landed back as one came behind me. I did a roundhouse kick and got him good. He stumbled back as three of them ganged up on Theo. The other two ganged up in me.

Theo landed his punches every time. On the other hand, I was getting the crap beat out of me. In my life I could never throw a good punch. It just never happened. It was two on one so I never got a good kick in. Something pricked the back of my neck and I fell into a pair of arms.

My feet dragged across the ground and everything got blurry. "We got her!" Theo's head spin towards us. He started throwing kicks and punches at the men ganging up on him. "Abbie!" My back was met with cold metal that burned a little.


To us silver didn't burn it just annoyed us. "Abbie! Don't worry! I will find you! I will always find you!" I heard him yell. The door then slammed in my face and the van started moving.

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