Chapter 17

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*Jack's POV*
I love her. I love her with all my heart. If she said yes to this, she will say yes when we are getting married. She is my world. I can't live without her. I get mad (crazy) when she dresses like that.

Right now we are at the studio writing a song. Jack and I thought about writing a song about our girls. As of right now, they are having a girls day.

"What else?" John, our songwriter asked.

"How about, you got me going mad when you dress like that?" I asked.


"And, you can hit me on the phone any time you want?" Johnson asked.

"You guys are doing my job perfectly!" He exclaimed. After that, we soon had the whole song written. We were also going to have Skate sing with us.

*Time Skip brought to you by a drunk Brendan Urie*

Soon I was home with Beth, just watching Netflix and not chilling, if you know what I mean😏. We were watching If I Stay. It's surprisingly a good movie. I had told Beth that there was going to be a surprise from me soon. But for now, we just cuddled on the couch.

She soon fell asleep, so I carried her to our room. I left her there in peace.

I put on some Vans and grabbed my car keys. I headed to the pet store. Beth has been talking about Huskies and how she wanted one. This wasn't her REAL surprise, but just something to start it off.

I had just made it to the pet store. I was looking at the puppies when a lady came up to help me.

"How can I help you today?" She asked.

"I'm looking for a husky, do you have any?" I asked.

"We sure do! Over here," she directed me over to where the huskies were. There were a bunch of really cute ones, but one caught my eye. It was a white and black husky with one ice blue eye and one chocolate brown eye.

"What about that one?" I asked pointing at the one with the two different eyes.

"That is male and he is already neutered, his name is Wolf," she said looking at a list,"Would you like him?"

"Yeah," I said.

"That will be $50. Anything else?" She asked.

"Yeah, can I get a few toys, some food, a collar, and bowls?" I asked.

"Sure! And it all comes with him!" She said. She got me the stuff and handed me him and his leash. We said our goodbyes and we headed for the car.

We soon made it home. Bethany was still asleep in the bedroom. I set down some of Wolf's things. I also showed him around a bit. After showing him around, I took him up to our room and set him on our bed. He tip-toed up to Beth, and licked her face.

Welcome to the family, Wolf.

Hey guys! I know I haven't done and author's note in a while. I think that this has been one of the longest chapters without song lyrics.
Peace out MothaTruckas
—Simply Your Senpai

Arranged Marriage (A  Jack Gilinsky Fanfic) ***COMPLETED***Where stories live. Discover now