Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

We were just another mistake taking place, another round of fallen tears dotted on a map, no need to stick around, nothing to see here. But that's the thing though, you don't realize how deep a story behind something or someone can be until you're actually in it yourself.

Nothing. That's what I'm thinking right now.

Nothing. That's what I've received from Harry since he dropped me off at my house last night. 

None. My answer to how much sleep I got last night.

After Lucas─ the man who barged into Harry's house last night ─told Harry there was a problem, Harry didn't waste any time in locking the house, and taking me home. As I went to wait in the car like Harry demanded, only after my protest, Lucas held him to talk about the situation. I couldn't see what they were saying through the dark, but when Harry hopped in the Rover, he was obviously distressed. Throughout the whole ride Harry would run a through his already messy hair. I'd carefully ask him what was happening, but he wouldn't budge. Actually, one time─ also the last ─I asked him, he yelled at me. I was so shaken and frightened that I didn't talk the rest of the journey, and I flinched when he pecked my lips as I was fixing to get out.

Harry watched as I unlocked the front door, but when I turned back, he was gone. I haven't heard from him since, but I don't know whether to be relieved that he isn't around, or worried of where he is.

Now I'm sitting on the sofa, trying to focus on the show playing before me, but every time I do listen, something distracts me. I check the clock for what feels like the hundredth time that hour. The red numbers read 10:28 pm and I mentally tell myself I should be going to bed because I have work in the morning, but I know that I wouldn't be able too.

There's a knock at my door, pulling me from my thoughts. I mute the TV to see if I can distinguish any sign of who it might be- I can't. I wasn't expecting any visitors tonight, and Dad is working a night shift. I slowly tiptoe across the wooden floor, and catch my breath. I step onto the carpet that lays in front of the door, and rise on my toes, looking through the peephole. I see a lifeless street and a flickering lamp; there's no sign of a person. I sigh realizing that that it was probably some prank that the neighbor thought would be funny.

Right as I pull away, another loud round of knocking on the wood startles me. Without thinking, I turn on my heel to run upstairs, but I stumble and fall when my foot catches the corner of the rug. I scrape my elbows as they come in contact with the rough carpet. A pain shoots up my left foot when I try to stand up quickly. A squeal escapes my lips.


A familiar voice fills my ears but I can't concentrate on it. I close my eyes tight, clutching my ankle, suppressing another whimper. I must have twisted it, I think vaguely. I've broken my leg before from not landing correctly, but this is not as painful.

I finally open my eyes to see a masculine hand with a ring adorning his index finger reaching down and gripping my arm. Once I'm hauled to my feet, I see those same green eyes that stared at me last night.


"What the hell, Harry?" I scream, punching his arm. He doesn't expect it but he doesn't look like it affected him. I go for another one, though this time he catches my wrist just before I make contact.

Harry smirks, "You don't want to do that, Shay." He squeezes my wrist once more then lets it go. There's something different about him, though I can't quite tell as he lets himself deeper into the house. I hobble after him, flinching with every other step. Harry doesn't note my condition; he just takes off upstairs like he's lived here forever. I go as fast as I can up the steps, holding the banister. As I approach my room, I wonder why Harry is here. Why would he come here at this hour? On second consideration, I push that thought away.

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