Chapter 11

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I am heading to Josh's place right now. I have dressed up pretty casually, I am wearing a cropped hoodie, comfortable pants, Vans and my glasses. I have my pizza backpack because I am carrying my books. My hair is in a messy bun and I am also wearing the necklace Josh gave me on my birthday and my heart locket.  School was good today,not great, good.

Once I get to his house I ring the doorbell, and Josh's mom opens the door she knows me pretty well and I love her she is really sweet.

"Hey Jen!" she says hugging me

"Hey Mrs. Hutcherson" I smile

"Oh many times should I tell you call me Michelle" she grins

"Alright Michelle, is Josh in his room?"

"Yes dear he is upstairs"

"Okay thanks" with that I run up the stairs and to Josh's room, to see him sleeping. Well this counts for drastic measures. I smirk evilly. I start playing 'Hello' on full volume on my phone and bring it close to Josh's ear, I start singing really loud too when the chorus comes on.

"HELLO FROM THE OTHER SIIIIDE" I yell on the top of my lungs. Josh groans and sits up suddenly.

"WHAT THE HELL!?" He exclaims and I just laugh. "JEN!" I stop laughing and run out of his room.

"You can't catch me" I yell laughing

"COME BACK HERE!" He yells while chasing me. I run out to his backyard and to a corner. Shit. I turn around because there is no place to go.

"Hahaha" Josh laughs slyly "You are stuck" he says bitterly

"Now, now Jo-" I get cut off by Josh tickling me, I laugh so hard that I fall to the ground with Josh hovering over me still tickling me.

"S-stop" I say laughing

"No first say: Josh is awesome he is the best and I love him" Josh says still tickling

"J-Josh i-s awe-some he i-s the b-bes-t a-and I-I ha-hate h-him" I repeat laughing

"No! You love me..."

"Fine...and I-I l-love h-him" I say he finally stops tickling me and lies down beside me

"Love you too Jenny bear" he responds and I chuckle

"Now do you want to study?" I question

"Yeah, leggo" he pulls me up and we go to his room. I take a seat on his bed and he sits down opposite me.

I start tutoring him on Algebra and Trigonometry which was hard as fuck. We were done in about 2 hours and then we just sat there talking.

"Are you going to Prom? It's in 3 days..." Josh asks laying next to me on his bed

"Oh shit! I forgot! Anyways I don't have a date..." I say

"That doesn't matter, you can still go..."

"Yeah I guess I will go...what about you? Who is your date?" I ask

"Well I am going solo like you..."

"Right...I have to go dress shopping with Jena really soon then" I reply

"Yeah..." Josh says and suddenly climbs on top of me kissing my neck

"Josh!" I exclaim

"What?" He asks innocently

"Stop!" I tell him

"Nah" he goes on and keeps kissing my neck until he looks in my eyes to speak "Jen! Lets move in together!" He blurts out

"WHAT?" I shriek

"Yeah! After graduation, my uncle has an apartment close to here that he is giving away, think about it, 2 friends living together IT'LL BE FUN!" He grins

"Well...let me think about it HELL YEAH!" I exclaim happily

"Great! I asked my parents you just have to ask yours" he says

"Alright, I'll ask them today and tell you tomorrow" I respond I get up and walk to the door to leave

"Bye" I say


I walk to my house and enter to see my parents on the couch.

"Hey Mom and Dad, I need to ask you something" I speak up

"Sure Jen whats up?" Dad asks

"Well...Josh has this uncle who is giving away an apartment and we thought it was a good idea if we could live together in it after graduation" I say

"Are you sure Jen?" Mom questions

"Yeah mom it'll be great" I say "Please?"

"I am okay with this are 18 you can make your own choices" dad says

"I agree" mom replies

"So I can move in the apartment?" I ask

"Yes, you can" mom smiles

"YAY! THANK YOU!" I exclaim "I will be right back! Love you" I run out the door and down the street to Josh's house.

I knock on the door really excited to tell him the news. The door opens and Josh smiles when he sees me, but before he can say anything I jump on him almost making him lose his balance and wrap my legs around him like I did at the beach.

"WHOA!" Josh says but hugs me back "So I am guessing your parents said No?" he jokes

"They said yes you dumbass" I reply and get off him. He chuckles.

"Thats great, so after graduation?" He asks

"YES!" I say

I left his house after some time. We spent time deciding where to buy the furniture and stuff. I am so excited! When I got home I ate and fell asleep right when my head hit the pillow.


Next day at school went GREAT! Mostly because Violet wasn't there...she is sick apparently. I am going prom dress shopping  with Jena right now, she has a date, Sam has a date and Liam also has a date. I am the only one who doesn't have a date, Josh has one too, some girl named Grace Jones. I don't care though, you never know, I could find the love of my life at prom and not having a date might help.

We arrive at the boutique and walk inside. A young woman greets us.

"Hello, how may I assist you?" She inquires

"We are looking for Prom dresses" Jena responds

"Oh...follow me" she says and walks to a different section with Jena and I in tow

"Here, have a look around, call me if you need anything...enjoy!" She says and walks away to help other customers

Jena and I look around for sometime trying to find something that we both like. Jena soon finds a dress with black diamonds on the top and cream at the bottom, it was long and gorgeous! I found mine not long after that, I found a short white dress with black designs on it.

We left the store about an hour and a half later, and went home. I was really excited for Prom it was in 2 days! It was going to be epic!

I was pulled out of my hyper daydreams when I received a text from Josh.

Hey Jenny baby! Did you find your dress?

Yep! Found my dress! It's so beautiful!

I am sure it is, I just wanted to ask you a few questions about the math test tomorrow if you don't mind.

Sure go ahead

We talked for 15 minutes, me helping him with the questions. I then picked out the shoes and the jewellery I was going to wear with my dress and then fell asleep.

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