Chapter 14

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Today is MOVING DAY! Josh and I are moving into his uncle's apartment today. I am really excited! I decided to wear something comfortable since we are going to be unpacking and moving all day. I just go with a cropped sweatshirt, leggings and converse.

Josh came over to help me put my stuff into the car since I helped him yesterday after the graduation party. We are all done now and it's time to leave. Josh's family came to my house so all of us could say goodbye together, let me just tell you, the Lawrence family and the Hutcherson family absolutely love each other. My brothers love Josh and Connor and it's the same for our parents. Which is great!

"Thats it" I say as we put the last box in my car

"Aww, we will miss you Jenny" dad says

"I will miss you guys too" I say and embrace my parents

"Goodbye buddy. Take good care of Jen" I hear Josh's dad say

"I will dad" Josh smiles and hugs his parents

"Bye guys" I say to Ben and Blaine

"Bye Nitro" they chuckle and kiss my forehead

I see Josh hugging his brother then we switch families so I am saying goodbye to his family and he is saying goodbye to mine.

"Bye Michelle" I say and hug her

"Bye honey" she says and kisses my head

"Bye Chris" I smile and he takes me into a bear hug

"Hey! What about my hug?" I hear someone say. Connor. I chuckle

"Bye Con" I say and hug him really tight and ruffling his hair, he is like a younger brother to me

"Bye Jen"

When Josh and I are done saying goodbye we pull back to see our mothers crying.

"Aww come on guys we just live about half an hour away from you" Josh says

"I know" Josh's mom sobs

"But you guys have grown up so fast" my mom cries

"Aww mommy" I say hugging her and Josh does the same with his mom

"Alright, we really need to get going" I say

"Alright" my mom replies

"Bye, see you guys soon" I say to both the families. A chorus of 'byes' are heard.

I get into my car and Josh gets into his since he is taking all his stuff there too. We drive to the apartment which is quite close to where all the production offices are.

We finally arrive and go upstairs to unlock the house so we can get everything in.

"Finally! We are here!" I sigh

"Yeah!" Josh replies "Don't get too comfortable though, we have to get the boxes upstairs"

"Ugh!" I groan and Josh chuckles

Josh and I head downstairs to our cars and get the boxes out, then take them upstairs, a few at a time.

After we have done that I finally get to have a proper look around the house. It's beautiful and big. There are white walls, not dull but pretty. There are 4 large rooms, one for Josh, one for me and 2 for guests. The living room is quite big and so is the kitchen. There is a balcony from where you can see the Hollywood Sign. There is also a large TV room which Josh and I decided to turn into a game room. 

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