Chapter 30

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Josh POV


We are at the venue with the whole family, they told us that we can get dressed here. Jen must be arriving here now, she was staying with her parents for the night since I can't see her before the wedding.

I am outside at the venue checking to see if everything is going well. The florists are bringing in the flowers, the caterers are bringing in the food and the cameraman has the camera set up for the video.

"Josh!" I hear a voice call, I turn around to see Sam and Liam.

"Hey guys" I walk over to them and give them a bro hug.

"We just saw the bride..." Sam smirks, "Laura is with her in the room right now"

"Don't torture me, man" I laugh, thinking about my bride. "I haven't seen her since yesterday morning"

"Ah...the old can't see the bride before the wedding superstition" Liam says

"Yeah, but it's okay. I'll be even more happy when I see her walking down the aisle" I tell them.

"Josh, it's time to get dressed son" Dad says, walking over to me with Gary.

"Yeah, let's go" I say, and make my way to our rooms.

Everyone starts getting ready, Liam and Sam are dressed in their tux, Jen's dad and my dad are dressed too.


I just got to the venue a half an hour ago, the ceremony starts in one and a half hour, so I am getting ready now.

Laura is doing my makeup, while the others do theirs.

"Jen, I still can't believe this is happening" Mom gushes

"Believe it mom" I chuckle, "But I can't believe it either"

"Josh is going to be amazed when he sees you" Michelle smiles

"Thanks Michelle" I grin, thinking about my Josh.

"Okay Jen, your make up is done" Laura says, removing the brush off my face.

I look in the mirror and smile, "Thanks Laura"

"No problem Jen, you look stunning" Laura smiles


"Okay Jen, here your wedding dress" Jena hands me the dress, I go inside and change.

I put on the wedding dress, careful not to ruin the makeup. Once I am done I look in the mirror. Josh really will be stunned.

I think of texting him, so I whip out my phone.

"Hey handsome, one more hour left to go!" I send.

I get the reply really quickly.

"Hey gorgeous, yes I can't wait!" I smile.

"I'm glad, I'll see you soon" I text.

"You too, my love." Josh replies.

I smile, and walk out of the bathroom. I am met with gasps and tears.

"Oh my god Jen" Mom cries, "You look amazing"

"Thank you" I smile and hug her.

"You really do look amazing" Michelle adds, tearing up.

"Oh, now stop crying you two. Or I'll start crying too" I laugh, feeling the tears coming.

"Okay, okay" Michelle laughs

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