Chapter 24

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Josh POV

The alarm clock wakes me up with it's annoying ring, I groan and switch it off then turn to the other side to hug Jen. My arm comes in contact with cold sheets, no Jen. I wake up confused, where is she?

I get out of bed stretching and confused. I see my boxers lying on the floor from last night so I go, pick them up and wear them to shield my nakedness. I make my way to the kitchen still looking for a sign of Jen. It's not until I enter the kitchen I see her wearing my shirt, with her back turned to me. It looks like she is cooking breakfast, I thought I smelled bacon. She is making some and feeding some to Driver.

I walk up to her, putting my hands around her waist, bringing her back to my chest and nuzzling my head into the crook of her neck, pecking her neck with my lips.

"Morning" I say

"Morning" she greets back

"So? Whatcha making?" I asked, even though I knew she was making bacon

"Bacon" I keep kissing her neck which causes her to giggle, "Stop"

"What?" I ask innocently

"You know what" she turns around in my arms grinning

"Oh you mean this..." I kiss her on her lips and it lasts for a long time, but not long enough because she pulls away

"Josh, we have to eat breakfast quick. The make up artists will be here in a couple of hours" she reminds me

The premiere for Catching Fire is today, Jen and I are in our home in L.A. The movie was made so quickly, time just flew by. We had a lot of fun in Hawaii, our new director and the cast was great. Now we have two more movies left and then it's all over, but it's going to be a long time before that happens.

"Yeah, what are you going to wear?" I ask

"Uh...clothes" she replies, turning back to the stove

"No shit. Even though I would rather have you naked, no clothes works too by the way" I tease, she blushes and laughs, "...but seriously"

"I am not telling, it's a surprise" she spoke

I knew exactly what she was doing, she was making me curious she knew I would be thinking about her and what she will be wearing until I see her, which will be at the premiere.


"Yeah. So, wait till the premiere if you can" she suggests shrugging and bringing the plate full of bacon with her to the living room

"I hate you" I plop down on the couch beside her, sharing the bacon while we watch the television. She has put on her favourite show since high school, Gossip Girl.

"Don't you think Nate is like the hottest guy?" she questions, still staring at the screen with a sly smirk on her face

"Yeah, I mean look at him" I joke, "I mean I would date him in a heartbeat"

She laughs, and I smile.

"Really?" she quirks an eyebrow looking at me

"Duh! He is like that hottest guy" I say in a stereotypical girly voice

"Well, maybe you should. It doesn't get any hotter than Nate Archibald" she replies and that does it

I pounce on her like a predator does his prey. Thank god she didn't have the plate in her hands now. She is lying on her back on the couch struggling to get away and I am straddling her pinning her arms above her head.

"Actually, it does get hotter than him" I clarified, "There is this guy called Josh Hutcherson, and man I like to think he puts this Nate dude to shame"

Good Girls Get Bad Boys Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora