Chapter 23

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^^Jennifer's party outfit


I wake up with the sun shining in my eyes, trying to shelter myself from the harsh light I hide my face in Josh's chest which causes his grip to instantly tighten around my waist.

I have been dreading this day since we started filming Catching Fire. We are currently in Atlanta filming a few scenes for the movie, but today is when I head to Hawaii to film the arena scenes and Josh heads to L.A to promote Red Dawn a movie he did with Chris Hemsworth. He is flying at 11am for about 2 days before he has to return to me in Hawaii.

I finally get used to the sunlight and turn to the side table where my phone is. It's hard to do so because Josh has his tight hold on me and I don't want to wake him up. I check the time and it's 7am, he has to leave in 3 hours, so he can get to the airport an hour early. I turn back to Josh, not wanting to let him go today.

Turning to Josh, I think of how everything turned out. I never thought that I would end up with Josh out of all the people. It's a great thing! Just unexpected.

He starts stirring, then eventually opens his eyes making me smile.

"Stop staring, Lawrence" he whispers huskily

"Can't do that if the view is so great, Hutch" I smirk, and I see his cheeks turn pink slightly

"Today is the day, huh?" he frowns

"Don't remind me" I say, hugging him tighter and pulling him closer, "Please don't go"

"Jen, we have been over this, I don't want to go but I have to honey" I pout, pushing my bottom lip out, "Oh come on Jen, you know I can't resist the platypus"

"Please? I'll be all alone without you"

"No you won't, you have Sam, Liam and Jena" he replies

That's right, we had Liam in the first movie but all 3 of us were surprised when we saw Sam and Jena on set.

"But it's not the same without you" I frown

"Jen it's only 2 days, I'll be back before you know it"

"Okay" I sigh

"Hey" he tilts my chin up, "I love know that right, goof?"

"Yeah, I know" I grin, pecking his lips

We lay like that in the bed until 9am, and Josh has to leave at 10.

"Alright Jen as much as I want to stay here with you, I have to go" Josh says

"No!!" I whine

"Jen..." he sighs

"I don't want you to go even if it's for 2 days" I tell him, tears welling up in my eyes

"Jen, alright, what is this really about?" Josh asks me

"Nothing...I don't want to leave you"

"Jennifer..." he says sternly

"We have never been apart, even for one day" I start crying, "What if something happens to you?"

"Jen, nothing will happen to me" he sighs, "You don't have to be scared I will be back with you in Hawaii and we will have the most amazing time"

"You promise?" I sniff

"I promise" he smiles "I love you"

"I love you too"

"Now, would you like to keep me company in the shower Miss Lawrence?" he smirks

"You don't even need to ask Hutch"

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