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 So here I am in the middle of the road with no car.I had my passport,some money,and some clothes.I decided to call Zayn and tell him were I was. "Hello" "Zayn,its me." "Hey listen sis I am sorry about the fight we had the other day.That was really mesed up.I know I hes my father and all but-" "You were right." "What?" "you were right.He is not my father anymore and hes not yours.Can you pick me up?I'm ready." "You are supposed to be at the airport and I will pick you up at london." "OK.Bye" "Bye love you" How was I going to make it at the airport on time with no transportation.I saw a truck pass by.I waved at it.I can't believe I am doing this!I am actually goig to hitch hike!I know that if dad was here he would say tons of things about this.I pushed that thought away.He is not my father anymore. "Hey girl what you need?" "Can you get me to the nearest airport please?" "hop in!" The kind lady had some cargo shorts on with a bright pink tank top.She had on lots of lipstick.She was really nice.Thank god it wasn't a cyco. "So whats your story?"she asked. "You know what brought you here to hitch hiking?" "well I am auditioing for the X factor." "OHH!Well sweetie my name is Jude.Whats your name?" "Ramona." "So you can sing ehh?Why don't you sing a little song for me?"I froze I haven't really performed infront of any crowd before exept Zayn.What about if Im not good enough.How am I supposed to sing infront of tons of people in london If I can hardly sing a note to a nice lady?Zayn says he thinks I am great but he is my brother. "Sweetie?Im waiting."I took a deep breath and closed my eyes.I imagined I was in the backyard with my guitar and it was just me and zayn.I started to sing stay by Rihanna and I didn't remember were I was until the song is over and I stopped singing. "Well albie!You have the voice of an angel!You are to young to be here by yourself don't you have any one to support you?" "Well now it's just me and my brother Zayn-" "Zayn?Everything makes sense now you are related to Zayn Malik from one direction?My daughter is a huge fan of him!Wait until I tell her all about this!So what about your parents?" "Well it's a long story." "Iove long storys!" "OK!I've never really told anyone about this before."So we I told her the whole story about my father and how Zayn left.And even my mother.It felt good to tell somebody who cared.I told her about how he treated me and how he even slapped me!Every single detail.When I was done and out of breath there was a very long silence.She finally spoke and said "Ramona you are a very strong beautiful and talented women.Don't let anyone tell you other wise." "I don't feel like it.I don't feel like I belong anywhere my mother didn't want me and now I don't have a father either."A tear rolled down my cheek.I started to burst in tears.I was crying like a little baby. "Oh sweetie.Your mother missed alot on what kind of girl you are and so did your father.They were some really blind people.When you go on that stage and work your magic they will really regret."We finally arrived. "Here is my number honey. "Call me whenever you need help.You just got your first fan."She gave me her number. "Thanks Jude.I gave her a big hug.She was like the mother I never had.I got out the truck and went in the airport.It was kind of confusing too find my plane and all,but I soon got help and next thing I know I was in the plane.X factor,here I come.I felt like a new and improved stronger and confident woman.

Dream Girl(one direction fan fiction, also needs some EDITING!)Where stories live. Discover now