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  • Đã dành riêng cho My mom and mom around the world. <3 were would we be without them?


  "What are you waiting for madam? Get on the stage!" Simon barked at me with annoyance. I walked up with my eyes wide. I saw Tatiana whisper to some girls as I walked pass. They snickered. Rocky hooted and cheered me on. My palms got sweaty. A microphone was handed to me as a camera was pointed at me like a gun. 'Come on! You sang infront of a thousand people before.'I said in my head. But this was different. Way different. This time I'm actually competing infront of a bunch of singers who wanted to win as much as I do. I sang:

"I'm breaking down gonna start from scratch

Shake it off like an Etch-a-Scetch"

  My voice cracked. I paused and closed my eyes. I ignored the snickers. I imagined I was in my happy place. Instead of being in the garden and playing my guitar while singing, I saw Harry. What the heck? Hmmm.... I wonder how that got there. It soothed me. I opened my eyes and began again. I was more confident this time. Simon nodded slightly with aproval. I was able to finish the whole song. I thought I saw Tatiana drooping her mouth with astonishment but quickly recovered. "Next up is....Tatiana!" Demi called. The girl strutted on that stage like she owned it! I felt a small creep of jealousy inside me. All of the boys drooled and checked her out with wide eyes. I thought I even heard a few whistles/catcalls! Tatiana sang 'like a virgin'. She even did a few dance moves and managed to add a little strip tease. I was disgusted, and so was Rocky. Thankfully she was finally finished with her performance. All the girls went. It was the guys turn. Rocky was great. She sang 'why you gotta be so mean' by Taylor Swift. The song reminded me about how Taylor was so much prettier than me yet I still didn't get why Harry was attracted to me. He could be dating frickin super models and yet he chooses me! I shrugged that thought off. We were all finally done. It was already late since there were so many people. We were lead to the mess hall for dinner. "So you are a pretty good singer Ramona. I think it was awsome what you did up there." Rocky said as we ate. I sighed. "Yeah but I still messed up at the beginnng and I was the only one who did." I complained. "Don't overeact and don't you let Tatiana get to you. It's what she wants." Rocky ordered me. I nodded. Across the table that girl was flirting with boys and whispering about me. She actually had the nereve to do it infront of me! I could not believe it! Rocky got mad when she saw how hurt I was. "Hey you!" she shouted. Tatiana turned to us and put her hand over her heart. "Me? Whatever did I do?" she said batting her lashes all inoccent like. "Shut it before I come over there and shut it for ya!" she demanded. Tatiana stared at me with angry eyes. She chewed her gum even louder. "Oh sure you will! I'm not afraid of you! Why can't your little friend come up to me and fight herself? I used to date Harry you know. He'll probably dump you soon and come back to me. You have no idea what I'm capable of." I gasped. How dare she? I felt anger come up and took deep breaths. Everyone was staring at me. Rocky got up and was about to walk to that table. I grabbed her wrist. "what do you think you're doing?"I asked. "I'm gonna give her a peace of my mind!"she said harshly through clenched teeth. Her hands balled up into fist. "No you're not. You can get kicked off the show just like that." I looked around to see a camera zoom in on us and other were all over the place watching our every move. Rocky noticed and came back to her senses. She sat back down. "One of these days you're gonna have to learn to stand up to her because we're going to be here a while." Rocky mumbled. I knew she was right. I really needed an experienced woman to talk to about everything. I needed Jude.


Hey guys. If u are confused about Jude, she was that woman who found Ramona and took her to the airport. They kept in touch and became close like mother and daughter. Go back to chapter 4 if u don't remember! Love u guys/directoners<3!:)

Dream Girl(one direction fan fiction, also needs some EDITING!)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ