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  • Dedicated to In memory of the late Nelson Mendela<3


  I woke up the next morning with a loud trumpet playing from the halls. Everybody groaned. "Up. Up! UP!" Ms. Rolanda came in and shouted.  I forced myself up. Everyone stretched and yawned. "Morning..."Rocky said to me tiredly. Suddenly everything came back to me. Events of yesterday came flooding back. "You okay?" Rocky asked me. I shook my head. "I have something to tell you. It's really urgent." I told her. She pulled me into a closet "Out with it." she ordered. I sighed and told her everything that happened last night. "I knew it from the start that there was something up with that woman!" she shouted. I shushed her. "What should I do?" I asked. "First, let's get ready. We don't want to be late." Rocky suggested. I nodded in agreement. All the girls were in the showers. There was only one stall left. "You go first while I brush my teeth." I said. Each shower stall had a timer and it rung to tell you when time was up to take a shower. I heard a stall ring and expected the person to come out. The shower just kept on running. I went up and gave it a good knock. "Times up!" I said. "Go away!" it sounded like Tatiana. It took her half an hour more than she should to finish. What a waist of water. She finally came out all steamy and wrapped in a towel.  I saw a little smirk on her face as she walked pass. I stripped down and got in the shower. As soon as the water came crashing down I felt freezing cold. She took all of the hot water on purpose. I hurried because I did not want to get late. I got out and found out that everyone was already gone! I hurried up and got dressed. I ran into the dance studio. All eyes stared at me. Simon crossed his arms and said "You're late." "I know I'm sorry it won't happen again. I promise-" "Promises are not going to cut it on this show." he interrupted. I sighed and sat down criss-cross-applesauce on the floor. I heard a snicker from Tatiana as I walked pass while she chewed her gum loudly. Ughhh! I just hated it when that girl chews her gum. Nobody stands up to her and tells her to shut up. Who am I to even complain when I can't even stand up for myself? Nobody. Rocky sat next to me and whispered "sorry." "It's alright." I answered. "OK! This year we are doing everything differently. EVERYTHING. So I am going to put you in teams of three. You will be in a singing and dancing group. So each of you pay extra attention on everything I say because I am not going to repeat myself." she said. Demi came up with her clipboard and announced "First group is Tatiana,....." 'Please don't be me! Please not me! PLEASE!!!!!' I chanted in my head over and over again. ",Rocky and Ramona" she finished. Noooooooooooooooo! Why?,Why!,WHY?! Why me? Out of all the people! I walked up with Rocky and tried to stand as far away from Tatiana as possible. I had a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach. Something was telling me that the two planned this. Something bad was coming my way, I could tell. We were each given a song.  The song we were assigned with was 'party in the USA' by Miley Cyrus. The performance we had to do was all about Tatiana! I couldn't believe it. Rolanda really spoiled her daughter. She was so bossy to us. Oh and remember when I told you that I couldn't dance at all whatsoever? Well this is the part where that little fact gets really important. I kept on messing up over and over and over again. I kept on getting yelled at by Tatiana and her mother. The worst part is that the camera was watching. I am going to be so mortified when this airs on TV! The dance moves were worst. I could tell that Tatiana made it up because not only was it extremely complicated, but it was way to dirty. I looked at the other groups that were practicing. They got to had easier moves than us! We were finally done and had a break. My feet were seriously aching! Things just got worst. Instead of a break we get an interview. I heard that the performance's and interviews were also going to air this week! Last year was different! We need more time to practice this year. And by we I mean our group. We are the only ones who have problems with the dancing. The rest have already mastered it. We each waited in line infront of an office. It's sorta like picture day at school. You're usually supposed to smile and say cheese and then it's over right? No way. It is way more complicated for us. It takes such along time for the person to get out. That thought made me even more nervous. "Ramona, calm down. Don't freak out." Rocky tried to assure me. "I can't. I see what this causes on reality TV. They pressure you and ask you hard questions and when you finally let it out, it's used against you." I said. "Oh come on! You're over exaggerating. Those people just want to say those things. We'll be ok." I nodded. "Ramona Malik! You're up!" a lady called with a clipboard and a pen. I hesitantly got up and went in.

Dream Girl(one direction fan fiction, also needs some EDITING!)Where stories live. Discover now