Chapter 23

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  Rocky and I practiced our song over and over again. To tell you the truth, she could dance so much better than me and caught up alot more fast. We have practiced for an hour now and were both exausted but it was all worth it. Rocky and I walked down the halls to our dorm rooms to realize that it was empty. "Where is everyone?" Rocky asked. I shrugged because I had no idea. Then I had the most horrible idea. "What if everyone had to go to the auditorium with the judges or somethin'?" I asked in a worried voice. "Oh no you don't think...." Rocky looked at me and I nodded. "Dress Rehearsels." "Oh Crap! We gotta go!" she shouted frantically as she grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the door. As we ran for the auditorium I thought about how much of an idiot I was for not even thinking about it since of course today would be the day of all days! Rocky and I rushed in back stage to find an angry Tatiana. "Were the hell have the two of you been!"she roared. I tried not to laugh right there because she looked ridiculous from head to toe. She wore the most puffiest and shortest pink sparkly dress ever! "What are you staring at you stupid creep!" I was in no mood for drama right now so I decided to let that little comment slide. Rocky on the other hand looked like she was about to explode. I could feel alot of tension and I did not want anything to go down. Especially infront of the cameras. So before Rocky could say anything I asked in a calm voice "Where is Rolanda?" She sighed and yelled for her mother. Rolanda ran over looking very frazzled. "Oh thank god you're here! Come follow me! We have to get ready!" I saw an evil sinister smile on Tatiana's face as Rolanda pulled us away. She dragged us to a huge closet filled with clothes,dresses,and mirrors replaced as walls along with some make up. She pushed the both of us in and shut the door. We heard her cackle evily. "Have fun!" she called. "No,no,no!" I yelled and ran to the door. I tried to open it but it wouldn't budge! We were locked out.


Hey Guys! How's it goin! I'm so sorry! It has been such along time since I have updated! I have been occupied with school work and my laptop was broken. But school is out and my laptop has finally been fixed! So I'm now trying to get myself back on track and I am working hard to finish my stories! So you have not seen the last of me and don't worry I am here for good and I am here to stay!XOXOthanx so much!:)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2014 ⏰

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Dream Girl(one direction fan fiction, also needs some EDITING!)Where stories live. Discover now