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 I sat nervously on the chair. The camera was pointed straight towards me. The lady with pencils in her hair said "We are just going to ask a few questions and be honest. Tell us what you think. Don't leave out one piece of information." The camera man announced "In 5.....4.....3.....2....." As soon as he hit one the lady asked "Now what is your opinion on the way they made changes to the show?" I took a deep breath and answered. "Well I don't have anything negative to say..........but it would have been good to know first but I'm not judging." She slowly nodded. Now this is how the interview went:

Lady: So we saw that there has been some tension between you and Tatiana?

Me: (not sure what to say. Gets nervous) Ummm........ well we might not really be the best of friends as you might say.

Lady:(arches her eyebrow and leans in closer)And why would you say that?

Me:(not wanting to answer) I'm not sure.............

Lady: I see. What about your relationship with Harry Styles? Hasn't she dated him in the past? Do you think that might have something to do with it?

Me: (heart beat speeds)Probably, how should I know? I'm not the right person for you to ask.

Lady:Well maybe this might answer your question(points to a tv screen)

The screen shows the catastrophe in the cafeteria. Rocky was about to have a huge fight with Tatiana but luckily I stopped her. The lady paused at the part when Tatiana said "I used to date Harry you know,he'll probably dump you and come back to me. You have no idea what I'm capable of." She turned to look at me. I sat there speechless.

Me:Ummm.....Uhhhhhhhh........I'm not really comfortable talking about this.

Lady:(nods) Alright then. We'll ask Tatiana instead.

Me:(scared about what Tatiana might say,but relieved not to answer.)

Lady:So how long have you and Harry been together?

Me:(getting annoyed)Do you have other things to ask me like my music? I'm sorry but I'm not answering any questions about me and Harry or Tatiana.

I felt bad for snapping, but seriously. Is everything going to be about Harry? Are people gonna want to focus on him instead of me and my music? I love him,I mean I really do but is he going to be in the way of everything? Why does he even like me? I am dieing to have all theis questions answered. I wish I wasn't the one being interviewed right now. Infact, I wish I was interviewing someone instead. I really gotta talk to Jude after all of this.

Lady:Then I guess thats all. Next!

I got up and walked straight to the dorm room. I didn't expect my first interview to be like this. I was pretty disapointed. I layed on my bed and thought about all the questions dancing around in my head. I picked up my cellphone and walked up to the roof.

Dream Girl(one direction fan fiction, also needs some EDITING!)Where stories live. Discover now