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  I just could not sleep after all that drama! I slowly got out of bed and went out the door. I needed some air. I found a door that led me to the stair well.  I went up until I reached the roof. It was so beautiful from up here! I took off my sweater and  laid it on the ground and then laid on it myself. I stared at the stars for a while. I was interrupted by my phone. Someone was calling me. I looked at the collar ID and saw that it was Zayn . I answered it "Hello?" "Ramona! I'm so glad to hear your voice!!" Zayn shouted excitingly. I held it away from my ear. "So am  I. So umm.... How's it goin'?" I asked. "That's kind of what I wanted to talk to you about. You see, we are going to LA. We don't really stay at the mansion that much because we could be sooo busy. I just wanted to let you know." he said. "OK. Have a good trip. Love you" I said. "love you too,Win or lose!" We both hung up. I was about to lay back down when I remembered to call Jude. I had the number in my phone so I sat up and called. "Hello Ramona! I thought you would forget all about me!" she said. I laughed. "Hey Jude it's so nice to hear your voice again. Guess what?" I asked. "I know you made it! I watched the show. Plus you were all over the news!" she said. I sighed and told her everything from beginning to end. About Harry and what happened today and I mean and I mean! EVERYTHING. It felt so good to let everything out. "Harry seems like a catch." she said when I was done. "I know! I can't get him out of my head! It just drives me crazy. I feel so guilty. I don't want to betray my brother!" I said in frustration. "You are not betraying anyone sweetie. Forget about what Zayn wants. What do you want?" she asked.  "Well....I want to be with Harry. A lot." She chuckled by my last sentence and said "Then if you love him that much, be with him and do not let anything get in the way." "But what about Zayn?" I asked. "Give him some time. He is just trying to protect you. He cares about you very much. All he needs is time. And about the bubble gum chewing girl, do not let her get in your way. OK hon?" "Alright, Thanks Jude." "You're very welcome." I got off the phone and got a text. It was from Harry. I wondered how he got my number. 'Thinking of you<3' it read. I smiled and added him to my contacts. Then I texted back 'missin u<3' and saw the time. I had to get back to bed. I was sorta breaking one of the rules. We were all supposed to stay in bed by night. I quickly went down and ran to my dorm. I stopped and hid behind the wall when I heard some voices.

Dream Girl(one direction fan fiction, also needs some EDITING!)Where stories live. Discover now