new york state of mind

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I heard what sounded like an explosion, all of a sudden my chest felt like it was set on fire & I hit the ground. Ears ringing, vision blurry, I hear a faint sound of footsteps & suddenly I feel someone standing over me, and what feels like warm steel pressed against my forehead.

"Are you ready to pay for your sins agent 88?"
I hear a voice say. I try to speak, but nothing comes out. Tears begin to roll down my cheek as someone grabs my arm&my body begins to shake........

"Ma'am, wake up. We've landed"
I jump up,fist balled, i angrily snatch my arm away from the flight attendant, my other hand touching the bullet wound scar on my chest. I can only imagine what she see's in my eye's because she jumps back & grips the seat next to her so tight her knuckles turn white.
"I uummm...I'm sorry if I startled you ma'am, but our flight has landed" she stutters nervously. I look around & see I'm the only one left on the plane besides the flight attendants who look just as frightened as the one in front of in particular, holding on to a fire extinguisher as if it would really save her. I had to smirk, it was just a bad dream, the same one I've relived a million times since that night. If I really wanted to hurt them,they'd be laid out before the plane even took off.
"Thank you" I say, grabbing my things & quickly leaving the plane


Is the first thing that greets me as I make my way through The airport. According to the information i went over during the flight, the boys were last seen in Buffalo, New York.

I make my way to the front of the airport where a beautiful Latina woman dressed in green from head to toe is waiting, she smiles at me with her perfect teeth & long black hair.

"Green" I greet her with a quick head nod.
"Nik!! It's so good to see you love. I was so happy to hear I'd be escorting you today."

"Cut the shit lime jello, you may be a lot of things but happy to see me is not one of them."

"Oh come on nik,people change. Are you really still upset about waydi? We broke up right after you broke his nose"

" you mean right after I caught you two together?"

" I paid a pretty penny for the damage you did to my car"

"Serves you right, now where are we going?"

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