a mouse in our house

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"From that moment on i stopped being his daughter and became his favorite little weapon. The more heartless i became, the more he loved me.......but i didn't love me. My last job something went terribly wrong and i was left for dead, but i survived. That was my ticket out so i laid low for awhile. No matter how much i tried to hide, deep down i knew he'd find me. As long as he's alive i'll never have a life of my own. I'll always be running, i'll always be '88"

I look around and everyone was staring at me with the same shocked expression on their face.

" What happened to your mother?" Larry asks.

" The same thing that happens to anyone who goes against Blue. She knew what kind of man she was dealing with but he was never that man in our house. He was a regular, loving father until i started to get older&he finally told her his plans for me. She threatened to take me away if he did.......i never saw her again."

" I'm sorry Nic, i had no idea." Dani said.

" It's ok, no one knew. I'm done being his puppet, i can't add anymore ghosts to my long list of nightmares."

" That's why you didn't kill us?" Lau asks.

" Yes."

" Is that the only reason?" he asks, staring at me in a way that almost made me forget anyone else was in the room........almost.

" Ask me that again when all of this is over."

" well ok, on that note...." Larry interrupts..." Let's get ready, shall we?


Music from a live band can be heard coming from the beautifully decorated museum

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Music from a live band can be heard coming from the beautifully decorated museum. A huge banner hangs above the entrance welcoming everyone to the 10th annual charity gala. Behind the building is the Japanese Gardens. A small man-made lake surrounded by beautiful flowers. Along the little wooden bridge that crosses the lake are glowing lanterns.

" This is very beautiful." Lau says, staring out into the water. I'm at a loss for words at how beautiful he looks in his black tux, standing on the bridge like a groom awaiting his bride. Farther down Dani and Larry are having a quite conversation while she fixes his tie. A breath taking mirror image of his brother. Her silk, oriental style dress with a golden dragon down the front, matches his red tie perfectly&fits right in with the beauty of the Japanese Gardens. Under normal circumstances they would make a very lovely couple.

" In case i forget to tell you, you are just as beautiful as the view, if not more so. You are stunning." he says looking me up and down.

I would be lying if i said i didn't have him in mind when i picked my outfit. A short black evening dress with a lace strap that starts around my neck and continues down my back into the shape of the Eiffel Tower and my favorite pair of Minolo heels.

" Well thank you, Mr. Bourgeois. And you are casket sharp as always."

" It kills you to pay me a compliment, doesn't it?" He pouts, which would normally make me want to slap someone, specifically a grown man, but is just too cute on him.

" You are devilishly handsome as always Laurent."

" Merci." He says with a satisfied smile on his face.

" let's roll" Dani says.

As we walk towards the entrance i spot a beautiful women with wild auburn curls and a gorgeous blue dress step out of a limo. A flash of nervousness on her face quickly replaced by a brilliant smile as she starts to walk towards the museum greeting people.

" Right on time." Larry says

" You know she doesn't like to be late, it drives her crazy." Lau says

" Wait....THAT'S mouse??" Dani asks in a loud whisper, nodding and smiling at a waiter holding a tray of champagne filled flutes. " You know, if she " accidentally" get hit by a stray bullet....."

" DANI!!!" Larry gives her a shocked look.

" What? I'm just saying." She looks at me and i laugh. Lau shakes his head and says nothing. Smart man.

" I have eye's on the rodent, you guys remember what we talked about right?"

They all nod,looking around and acting just as casual as everyone else before all going our separate ways. I still see her, she's holding a glass of wine, staring at one of the paintings.

" See something you like?" I ask smiling,standing beside her.

" Actually i do, but it isn't hanging on this wall, it actually walked in with you about 10 minutes ago." She say's with a smirk, still staring at the painting.

" Mouse,i presume?"

" Jessica, my name is Jessica and you are?"

" I'm the exterminator, keep in mind that i kill rats for a living, so do you want to keep taking shots or would you like to play nice and do what we came here to do?"

She takes a sip of her wine,finally looks me in the eye and nods her head yes.

" Hello Jessica, i'm nicole......let's walk.

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