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 " I love you daddy, come home soon"

 I can still hear my baby girl voice saying that to me from the last time we spoke.  Since my brother and i have been in protective custody, i don't get to speak to her often and when i do it's very brief.  That breaks my heart.  She's the only person i love more than him.  that's why i have to take whatever fear i have and push it down deep.  I have to do my part to get this shit done and over with for the three of us.  It's not that often that i'm faced with fear, but when i am i've learned over the years how to release my anxiety,  like with my dancing, i take all that fear and just lose myself until i've burned off all the negative energy.  sometimes i get so lost i actually feel like i'm on fire, i feel like i'm a blaze...............

" May i ask you a question?"

" Sure,but make it quick.  The longer we hesitate, the less chance Jessica has at surviving."

" Since this whole thing has started, you've had me watching your back,almost like being your shadow,Why ask me to do this and not my brother.  You like him a lot, yes?  

" I'm very good at reading people, occupational hazard i guess.  You two don't really trust people so you are very good at disguising who you really are from the rest of the world, but i see the real you very clearly.  All i did was send a beast to do what he does best.....hunt.  And you to burn me a clear path to wherever i need to be,safely.  Does that answer your question?"

" One more, what about the staff?"

" Like i said, i sent the beasts to hunt, you don't have to worry about go!".............

" may i have your attention everyone?"  

People stopped what they were doing and looked towards the stage at the beautiful man with the french accent standing at the microphone.

" On behalf of the albright Knox staff,management and security team, we would like to apologize for interrupting such an amazing event due to a sudden emergency.  We ask that you quickly and quietly gather your belongings and head towards the exits."

Everyone looks around in confusion, talking amongst themselves and shouting towards the stage demanding to know whats going on.  A lot of confusion, but no one leaving.  The one thing that really pisses me off is being ignored!

" Ok, i'm going to say this again,maybe in a way you'll understand.  Get your shit and move your uppity ass on out of here NOW!!!!!"  To make sure they knew i wasn't playing, i pull out the gun Nicole gave me, raise it in the air and squeeze off  a few.  People started screaming and stepping over each other trying to get out the door.

" Thank you very much, and good night."  I say in the Mike to no one, laughing.  I step down off the stage an start to walk towards the stairs that led to the conference room, waiting for Nicole to join me.  Instead of her, i hear someone applauding and a male voice.

" Very good Mr. Bourgeois, that was quite a performance."  I turn around quickly right before i hear a gun going off.  All i caught were blurry shades of blue before dizziness took over and everything went black.

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