trust yourself

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A loud thump & muffled voices, I jump out of bed & grab "Michele" from under my pillow. The clock on the dresser says 3:15am, I've been asleep for at least 2hrs. In nothing but my sleep shirt, I slowly open my bedroom door, gun pointed, I step out. The house is dark except for the glow of the street light coming from the open top porch door. Another thump coming from the back bedroom.

"Its been that way for at least an hour now." Says a deep sexy voice with a heavy French accent.

I walk towards the direction of the voice. Lau is sitting on the top porch, wearing nothing but grey sweatpants&a black tank top. His twists in a ponytail. God, he was beautiful.

" Your friend & my brother, they've been at it for awhile now."

"Typical." I say, lowering my gun & shaking my head.

"Come, sit with me." He says patting the empty chair next to him.

"You really should be resting, we've got a long day tomorrow."

" Who can rest with those two? Unless I can sleep in your bed?" He says with that smirk that looks even sexier in the moonlight.

" Flirting & anger, is that all there is to you?"

" Touché." He says laughing. "Please, sit with me for awhile. I sit in the chair ignoring all the alarms going off in my head.
"So I guess we're both in trouble, huh?"
"Looks like."
"Do you really think your friend will try to kill you.?
"Do you really think I won't kill YOU?"
" I'll answer that after you tell me why they want you dead."

"In case you haven't noticed, I don't take orders very well........."

"You don't say?

I glare in his direction.
" oki, sorry." He laughs with his hands up. "Go on, i'm listening."

"As I was saying....." Rolling my eyes....." What Amber said is very true, you can't just walk away from this, but i did and they weren't very happy about that. Even though i wasn't doing jobs anymore i still had to keep a low profile. I'm tired of living like a spy, i want a normal life which is why i came out of hiding and took this sham of a job."

" You just woke up one day and decided to quit, just like that?"

" Pretty much. That tends to happen when you almost die."

" wanna talk about it?'

" Nope."

" So now what?"

" Kill them before they kill me."

" If they're dead, my brother and i are free, yes?"

" pretty much."

" than i'm with you, let's do it."

" you're not a killer Laurent."

" True, but let me tell you what i am......I'm a son,an uncle,and most importantly a brother. If ever there were a reason to kill, it would be defending my brother. If someone wants my brother dead, then for now i am a killer. understand?"

" You really love him, don't you?"

" More than anything. Do you have family?"

" No family, just my best friend Crystal."

He looks at me with a hurt expression on his face.

" no one should be without family belle. What happened to them?"

I quickly got up from the chair and walk towards the door.

" I don't hear anymore noise, i think it's safe to go back to bed now. Good night Laurent."

He get's up, grabs my hand and moves dangerously close to my face. I can feel his breath, it smells like cinnamon. I can see why women are crazy about them.

" One day you will stop running from me." he looks me in my eye,kisses my forehead. I almost drop my gun.

" To answer your question earlier, the answer is no, i don't think you'll kill me. Good night mon amore." he says and walks away. Once i was absolutely sure he could not see me

I smiled..............

When i opened my eyes the sun was pouring into my bedroom window and i can smell something delicious. I throw on my housecoat and walk into the kitchen to see Larry wearing nothing but some black shorts and a tight white tank top. Muscles and tattoo's on full display as he cooks what looks like breakfast on the stove. Dani and Lau are sitting at the table.

" Good morning Belle." he say's smiling at me. I nod my head in his direction

" morning Laurent,Larry, tramp. I trust you slept well." i say staring right at Larry. He looks away with a toothy grin on his face and starts bringing food to the table.

" I made you some coffee, i think i remember how you like it." Dani say's handing me a steaming mug.

" There's no poison in here, is it?"

" Look, i know you don't trust me but i'm here to help. You've been gone for awhile Nik, no one knows the in's&out's of that place better than me. You're not going to get anywhere near Blue by yourself.

" I've done just fine by myself."

" Really? cuz from here you look alone with a 20 million dollar price tag on your head."

" As opposed to you, who has a $2 price tag on her chocha!!"

" you bitch!!" Dani yells and jumps up out of her chair.

" Oh shit" Larry says running over and standing between us.

" Normally, we would LOVE to see two beautiful women fighting, wouldn't we brother?" he say's looking over at Lau who nods his head with a mouth full of food.

" But not today, i have a plan........."

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