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The beautiful woman with the wild, auburn curls, white sundress blowing in the breeze, gold Chanel sandals sparkling in the sunlight.  She sits at a poolside table with a handsome man who is wearing a pair of stunning shades with deep blue lenses.  She can see herself in their reflection.
"As ive explained to you before,I have an uuumm, "rodent" that needs to be exterminated.  I hear you're one hell of an exterminator" she says with a slight French accent.

"I've been in this business a long time Mrs. Aaidi......."
"That's miss........miss Aaidi.  I'm not married." She says with a flirtatious smile.
"Well, MISS aaidi....... I'll see to it personally that my best people will get the job done."

"No no, I think you may have misunderstood me monsieur Blue, I want you to do the job."

" And Why is that, MISS aaidi?" He asks, raising an eyebrow.

"As I've mentioned before, you come very highly recommended.  Do we have a deal?"

He lowers his shades & stares her in the eye.  "I want to make one thing clear, I am very serious about what I do, I do not take requests, however you've sparked my interest.  I will make an exception for you."

" Perfect.". She says, reaching her hand across the table.  He reaches his hand out & holds hers for a hand shake, sealing the deal.  When she tries to pull away, he tightens his grip.  Her smile quickly fades away as the pain increases.  He moves closer lowering his voice, looking like the devil himself.

"Make no mistake, as beautiful as you are if I find for even a second that you are not being genuine, I will do things to that face you couldn't imagine in your worse nightmare.  Do you understand?"

" yes......... Yes I understand." She says wincing in pain

"Than we have a deal.". He finally releases his grip as she stumbles back into her seat, clutching her hand.

"I have all the information I need from our previous conversation.  I'm going to get up & walk away, when I do you'll receive a text giving exact location & price.  I suggest you pay close attention because 60 seconds after you receive it, it will delete itself.   Good day MISS aaidi."

He pushes his shades back over his eyes & walks away. As promised, her phone makes a noise.  She looked at the text making sure she memorized every detail.  60 seconds later it vanished.  She signaled for the waiter, definitely needing a drink.  His eyes and the way he kept saying her name Gave her the creeps.  Two drinks later, giving enough time to put some distance between her & Blue, she picked up her phone & began dialing.

" Bonjour." Said a deep sexy voice.

" Laurent, it's done. I'm sending you the location now."

" Je Vous remercie ma petite souris." ( thank you my little mouse)

" you're welcome..... Oh, Lau?"


"Be careful." She says & hangs up.

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